Submitted work by Julia East
Analyzing Objects
Musket Ball
Question 1:
I see a very ornate gold scalloped rimmed teacup and saucer. It is offset on the saucer. Looking through the handle I notice that some of the circular patterns seem to be different.
Question 2:
It could be used to connect the topics that deal with those that have and those that want to have. Thought out American History wealth has been a factor that has caused divisions between those that have and those that do not. Example-The factory owners vs the workers. The citizens vs the immigrants- The plantation owners vs the slaves.
Redirect: /content/porcelain-resources
Module Id: 951
User Id: 1510
Submitted: Friday, July 9, 2021 - 13:57
Question 1:
Thinking about what happened in the past using information from historical sources.
Question 2: Students have to think about when the object was used and why it was used.
Redirect: /content/what-historical-thinking
Module Id: 689
User Id: 1510
Submitted: Friday, July 9, 2021 - 15:31
Question 1: I notice a pile of worn-out tires.
Question 2: This might apply to the recycling efforts during the war.
Redirect: /content/tire-resources
Module Id: 1108
User Id: 1510
Submitted: Monday, July 19, 2021 - 09:13
Question 1:
It's a dishwasher.
(They have a lantern on the counter in case the breaker blows.)
(They have a lantern on the counter in case the breaker blows.)
Question 2:
Home Sweet Home- With new inventions like the electric dishwasher, people had more free time on their hands to do other things that they wanted to do.
Redirect: /content/dishwasher-resources
Module Id: 1093
User Id: 1510
Submitted: Monday, July 19, 2021 - 09:55
Question 1:
It's a dishwasher.
(They have a lantern on the counter in case the breaker blows.)
(They have a lantern on the counter in case the breaker blows.)
Question 2:
Home Sweet Home- With new inventions like the electric dishwasher, people had more free time on their hands to do other things that they wanted to do.
Redirect: /content/dishwasher-resources
Module Id: 1093
User Id: 1510
Submitted: Monday, July 19, 2021 - 09:58
Question 1: It's a can of coffee.
Question 2: Coffee and other rations have to be supplied to our military.
Redirect: /content/coffee-resources
Module Id: 1147
User Id: 1510
Submitted: Monday, July 19, 2021 - 10:42
Question 1: It is old and my grandfather had one.
Question 2:
The stereoscope was used for entertainment and we are always are improving ways to entertain ourselves.
Redirect: /content/stereoscope-resources
Module Id: 1047
User Id: 1510
Submitted: Monday, July 19, 2021 - 11:08
Question 1: The women are wearing white and seem to be going to a suffrage rally.
Question 2:
This picture shows that people have the right to organize and support ideas that they want. The right to vote and today's election reforms are current news.
Redirect: /content/dress-resources
Module Id: 1075
User Id: 1510
Submitted: Tuesday, July 20, 2021 - 12:12
Question 1: They are an old well-worn pair of leather shoes.
Question 2:
Leather was commonly used to make footwear and it was repaired more often than replaced. Today is shoes get dirty, worn, or out of fashion we just toss them away and get another pair. Is that good for the economy? For the consumer? For the manufacture?
Redirect: /content/shoe-resources
Module Id: 1002
User Id: 1510
Submitted: Tuesday, July 20, 2021 - 12:42
Question 1: It's an old toom stone or marker
Question 2: People of the past and their contributions to the future.
Redirect: /content/stone-resources
Module Id: 1039
User Id: 1510
Submitted: Tuesday, July 20, 2021 - 13:02
Question 1:
This was considered a luxury item during that time. England viewed the colonies as their personal manufacturer and providers of their needs. Their belief that the colonists were in fact in debt to them and needed to provide for them, but that they were also expected to pay for having nice things or not have them.
Question 2:
Did the King have any advisors in parliament that advised him to consider the colonists' requests and to take better care of his subjects in the colonies? Did the idea that taking care of colonists and keeping them happy ever come up?
Redirect: /content/porcelain-connections-essay
Module Id: 951
User Id: 1510
Submitted: Friday, July 9, 2021 - 14:21
Question 1:
These tires are being recycled for the war effort. Due to the fighting, natural rubber was not available. These worn-out tires were turned into parts needed to run the machinery that our soldiers needed to fight.
Question 2:
Questions that applied to the time frame that the pictures were taken. I would want my student to make a connection to the war and the sacrifices citizens had to make both at home and overseas.
Redirect: /content/tire-connections-essay
Module Id: 1108
User Id: 1510
Submitted: Monday, July 19, 2021 - 09:30
Question 1:
The dishwasher made life easier and allowed people to have more time to do other things. I am unable to really come up with any specific examples because I can't connect the dishwasher to the Cold War.
Question 2:
The poster- This man is your Friend, promotes the idea that Russia fights for freedom. But after WWII we had a conflict with Russia over the division of Germany and communist political ideas. We were not dropping bombs, but let them know that we were not allowing communism to infiltrate our government..
Redirect: /content/dishwasher-connections-essay
Module Id: 1093
User Id: 1510
Submitted: Monday, July 19, 2021 - 10:25
Question 1:
Products were made for soldiers and manufacturers had to sell these products at home after the war.
Prepackage makes your life easier.
Prepackage makes your life easier.
Question 2:
Advertising was directed at women in the kitchen. It was still traditional that the woman did the cooking, so they targetting ways to make her life in the kitchen easier.
Redirect: /content/coffee-connections-essay
Module Id: 1147
User Id: 1510
Submitted: Monday, July 19, 2021 - 10:54
Question 1:
People look for ways to learn about people, places, and things and the stereoscope was a way to do that. The value of education varies depending on your culture. Finding ways to share information in a fun visual way encouraged people.
Question 2:
I could show them my overhead projector, cassette recorder, and filmstrips.
Redirect: /content/stereoscope-connections-essay
Module Id: 1047
User Id: 1510
Submitted: Monday, July 19, 2021 - 11:18
Question 1:
The dress could have been made at home or at a clothing store. The invention of the sewing machine made it easier to make dresses. These ladies have chosen white as a symbol of their cause. Sewing factories became common workplaces for women. The factory workers would later form Labor Unions to improve conditions for workers.
Question 2:
I would check for newspaper articles about the rallies and the conditions of sewing factories.
Fashion Magazines would also provide more information.
Fashion Magazines would also provide more information.
Redirect: /content/dress-connections-essay
Module Id: 1075
User Id: 1510
Submitted: Tuesday, July 20, 2021 - 12:20
Question 1:
The shoe was a government-issued shoe. dividing Soldiers were not divided into classes by their shoes.
Consumer choices and availability are common today. But with the recent pandemic, both these could very well be affected.
Consumer choices and availability are common today. But with the recent pandemic, both these could very well be affected.
Question 2:
States rights-
Article Four of the United States Constitution outlines the relationship between the various states, as well as the relationship between each state and the United States federal government.
Article Four of the United States Constitution outlines the relationship between the various states, as well as the relationship between each state and the United States federal government.
Redirect: /content/shoe-connections-essay
Module Id: 1002
User Id: 1510
Submitted: Tuesday, July 20, 2021 - 12:50
Question 1:
People have been changing political boundaries since the beginning of time.
The Louisiana Purchase was the acquisition of the territory of Louisiana by the United States from France in 1803. It was divided into states. The original boundaries often changed before things were finalized.
The Louisiana Purchase was the acquisition of the territory of Louisiana by the United States from France in 1803. It was divided into states. The original boundaries often changed before things were finalized.
Question 2:
The Louisiana Purchase was the acquisition of the territory of Louisiana by the United States from France in 1803.
The current conflict over our borders could be used to discuss when and why the border between the US and Mexico was drawn.
The current conflict over our borders could be used to discuss when and why the border between the US and Mexico was drawn.
Redirect: /content/stone-connections-essay
Module Id: 1039
User Id: 1510
Submitted: Tuesday, July 20, 2021 - 13:08
Question 1:
History Thinking uses a variety of sources and objects to provide a connection to the past. Primary and secondary sources, Historical Inquiry, Reading an object, forming a hypothesis, and evaluating the information within the context of the historical event.
Question 2:
Students can use objects to make inferences about people, places, and things in the past. I see, I think, and I wonder help direct a child's natural curiosity.
Redirect: /content/connections-essay-historical-thinking
Module Id: 689
User Id: 1510
Submitted: Tuesday, July 20, 2021 - 15:39
Title: Cookies and Crackers
Grade Level: Middle
Short Answer:
I would have students pick a blue or green marble out of a bag. The ones with the blue marbles are English colonists. The ones with the green marbles are English citizens. The English colonists get to make and give the cookies to the English citizens. But they just get a cracker. The discussion- Is it fair that the people who did the work and made the cookies didn't get to enjoy them? Why or Why Now? Compare that to what happened to colonists.
Redirect: /content/porcelain-wrap
Module Id: 951
User Id: 1510
Submitted: Friday, July 9, 2021 - 15:23
Title: What Could I Be?
Grade Level: Elementary
Short Answer:
Students like to imagine being someone, somewhere, or something else. Using the picture, We would discuss the purpose of tires and what they are made of. We would brainstorm what other things are made of rubber and about the supplies and equipment that were needed to fight a war.
Looking at the pile of worn-out tires, What could they be to help our soldiers win the war?
Looking at the pile of worn-out tires, What could they be to help our soldiers win the war?
Redirect: /content/tire-wrap
Module Id: 1108
User Id: 1510
Submitted: Monday, July 19, 2021 - 09:45
Title: Time For Fun
Grade Level: Middle
Short Answer:
Post pictures of common items found in today's homes and then items found in homes in 1914
Make a chart for students to brainstorm the Pros and Cons of each item.
Example- A TV is a must-have- but what about paying for the electricity or the cable bill.
Make a chart for students to brainstorm the Pros and Cons of each item.
Example- A TV is a must-have- but what about paying for the electricity or the cable bill.
Redirect: /content/dishwasher-wrap
Module Id: 1093
User Id: 1510
Submitted: Monday, July 19, 2021 - 10:38
Title: Home Cooked or Cooked at Home.
Grade Level: Elementary
Short Answer:
Talk about foods that students eat at home and at school.
Are they home-cooked or cook at home? Bring up holiday meals vs everyday meals. Bring up how people in the past got and preserved their food and how it is done today.
Why did meals become sealed and packaged to last for months?
Are they home-cooked or cook at home? Bring up holiday meals vs everyday meals. Bring up how people in the past got and preserved their food and how it is done today.
Why did meals become sealed and packaged to last for months?
Redirect: /content/coffee-wrap
Module Id: 1147
User Id: 1510
Submitted: Monday, July 19, 2021 - 11:05
Title: Teaching- Now and Then
Grade Level: Elementary
Short Answer:
This would be a fun lesson for me. I still have a typewriter, overhead projector, filmstrips, and worksheets that were made with a ditto machine.
What do I use now to show a movie? What did I use 30 years ago? Connect the advances in technology to the quality and the quantity of information that can be covered during the day.
What do I use now to show a movie? What did I use 30 years ago? Connect the advances in technology to the quality and the quantity of information that can be covered during the day.
Redirect: /content/stereoscope-wrap
Module Id: 1047
User Id: 1510
Submitted: Monday, July 19, 2021 - 11:28
Title: Moving Forward
Grade Level: Middle
Short Answer:
I would use the picture to prompt students to infer when the photograph was taken and what the picture was about. Where were they going? Why did they wear banners. Then I would show students a picture of current rallies. Were the participants similar? How so?
Connect the methods of past rallies with ones that are happening today. Why do people rally?
Connect the methods of past rallies with ones that are happening today. Why do people rally?
Redirect: /content/dress-wrap
Module Id: 1075
User Id: 1510
Submitted: Tuesday, July 20, 2021 - 12:36
Title: The Talking Shoes
Grade Level: Elementary
Short Answer:
Collect a dozen pairs of old and new used shoes from various places. (I would bring in my father's old leather repaired boots).
Ask students to make up a story about the shoes. Who owned them, where did they go? What happened to them? Give them character traits- The fancy dress shoe, The county boy shoe..etc.
How have shoes changed over time? Where do you get shoes now? Where did you get shoes if you lived out west in 1870?
You could do a slideshow of shoes from 1865 to the present and discuss the changes in manufacturing and distribution.
Ask students to make up a story about the shoes. Who owned them, where did they go? What happened to them? Give them character traits- The fancy dress shoe, The county boy shoe..etc.
How have shoes changed over time? Where do you get shoes now? Where did you get shoes if you lived out west in 1870?
You could do a slideshow of shoes from 1865 to the present and discuss the changes in manufacturing and distribution.
Redirect: /content/shoe-wrap
Module Id: 1002
User Id: 1510
Submitted: Tuesday, July 20, 2021 - 13:00
Title: Political and Physical Borders
Grade Level: Middle
Short Answer:
What is a physical border? What is a political border? Do either change? Why or Why not?
Using maps from 1865 to the present, students will compare and contrast the physical and political boundaries of Europe. Our focus will then go to the division of Germany after WWII.
Using maps from 1865 to the present, students will compare and contrast the physical and political boundaries of Europe. Our focus will then go to the division of Germany after WWII.
Redirect: /content/stone-wrap
Module Id: 1039
User Id: 1510
Submitted: Tuesday, July 20, 2021 - 13:13
Title: What's That?
Grade Level: Middle
Short Answer:
Bring in a unique object that students are not familiar with. *TV antenna that sat on TVs.
Forming a Hypothesis. I think- Ask them what do they see? What do they think it is? What do you think it does? Do you have one in your home? Showing it on an old TV might help them make a connection. Where did they all go?
Forming a Hypothesis. I think- Ask them what do they see? What do they think it is? What do you think it does? Do you have one in your home? Showing it on an old TV might help them make a connection. Where did they all go?
Redirect: /content/analyzing-objects-wrap
Module Id: 689
User Id: 1510
Submitted: Tuesday, July 20, 2021 - 15:48