Submitted work by KallanP
Analyzing Objects
Musket Ball
Question 1: Intricate design , color. its a tea cup and saucer
Question 2: wealth
tea tax
tea tax
Redirect: /content/porcelain-resources
Module Id: 951
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 10:21
Question 1: They seem small and futuristic
made from metal
made from metal
Question 2: This must be post World War II Id say either the space race or consumer products
Redirect: /content/transistor-resources
Module Id: 1146
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 10:38
Question 1:
Old metal can but its massed produced because of the writing. Nescafe is a coffee brand so I am going to assume its instant coffee World War 1 or 2
Question 2:
This most likely comes from World War I and 2 and shows what American troops had on them as they went off to war
Redirect: /content/coffee-resources
Module Id: 1147
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 10:57
Question 1: Its a small dark rock
Question 2: I am going to say this is a moon rock and shows the space race
Redirect: /content/musket-ball-resources
Module Id: 955
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 11:14
Question 1: Seems to be cells under a microscope
Question 2: Genetics or transmission of disease
Redirect: /content/smallpox-resources
Module Id: 954
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 11:27
Question 1: They are tires
Question 2: Transportation system in America
Redirect: /content/tire-resources
Module Id: 1108
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 11:39
Question 1: a record
Question 2:
1920s and the rise of personal items and then the Great Depression that came after
Redirect: /content/record-resources
Module Id: 1128
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 11:49
Question 1: nails of different length
Question 2: two ideas pop in my mind right away. Slavery and then industrialization
Redirect: /content/nail-resources
Module Id: 953
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 12:01
Question 1: Its wood seems to connect to something else and has some sort of wheel
Question 2: Im thinking agriculture
Redirect: /content/reaper-resources
Module Id: 952
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 12:22
Question 1: a dishwasher from the 1950s
Question 2:
Women's rights
the babyboom
Postwar consumer spending
the babyboom
Postwar consumer spending
Redirect: /content/dishwasher-resources
Module Id: 1093
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 12:32
Question 1: Shirt of a woman who a very small waist
Question 2:
Womens rights.
The start of industralization with the factory girls
The start of industralization with the factory girls
Redirect: /content/shirtwaist-resources
Module Id: 950
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 12:41
Question 1: its a white dress with a banner on it
Question 2: Women suffrage and women's rights
Redirect: /content/dress-resources
Module Id: 1075
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 12:53
Question 1: photo and a way to view it in more detail its made of wood
Question 2: The Civil War and use of photography to show the violence that occured
Redirect: /content/stereoscope-resources
Module Id: 1047
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 13:03
Question 1: Comes from the Confederate States of America
Question 2: The Civil War Slavery Reconstruction
Redirect: /content/mail-resources
Module Id: 1021
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 13:14
Question 1: leather shoes old
Question 2: Westward Migration
Civil War and start of mass production
Civil War and start of mass production
Redirect: /content/shoe-resources
Module Id: 1002
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 13:54
Question 1: Stone that's been chiseled into
Question 2: I wonder if its about founding our country
Redirect: /content/stone-resources
Module Id: 1039
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 14:05
Question 1:
Historical thinking is the building of a situation or an item to understand its revelance and meaning
Question 2:
Objects help provide relevance and by understanding how and where the item was used or produce we begin to have a deeper meaning to the overall time period as well
Redirect: /content/connections-essay-historical-thinking
Module Id: 689
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 10:15
Question 1:
Porcelain from the Empire would have been taxed as well as the tea put into the cup.
Question 2: What percentage of Americans were participating in the boycotts?
Redirect: /content/porcelain-connections-essay
Module Id: 951
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 10:30
Question 1:
The transistor leads to understanding the computer age. Without understanding how the transistor changed the world no one can understand how microchips could be created
Question 2: When where and what did it do
Redirect: /content/transistor-connections-essay
Module Id: 1146
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 10:51
Question 1:
Instant coffee fits into mass consumer products that became increasingly popular after World WarII. But were also products sent to soldier during WWII
Question 2:
The advertisements were heavily geared to women as if they were the onl y ones that created the food for the family. The facts were women were working not just being lazy.
Redirect: /content/coffee-connections-essay
Module Id: 1147
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 11:05
Question 1: The musket ball connects to freedom and Independence.
Question 2:
The writings of the illuminaries of the time as well as congresional and constitutional records
Redirect: /content/musket-ball-connections-essay
Module Id: 955
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 11:18
Question 1: Smallpox connects to treatment of Natives as well.
Question 2:
Benefits you can show how bad the diease was and can talk about the progression of scientific knowledge.
One drawback is that some students may latch onto the wrong science of the day as fact
One drawback is that some students may latch onto the wrong science of the day as fact
Redirect: /content/connections-essay-smallpox
Module Id: 954
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 11:32
Question 1:
Great example of recycling and conserving to make sure products could be sent to the front lines to support soldiers against the Nazis
Question 2:
Who wanted this created?
Who was the intended audience?
What was going on in the world to need this sign?
Who was the intended audience?
What was going on in the world to need this sign?
Redirect: /content/tire-connections-essay
Module Id: 1108
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 11:43
Question 1: Immigration and what it means to be an American
Question 2: maps
cook books
immigration records
cook books
immigration records
Redirect: /content/record-connections-essay
Module Id: 1128
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 11:50
Question 1: Immigration and what it means to be an American
Question 2: maps
cook books
immigration records
cook books
immigration records
Redirect: /content/record-connections-essay
Module Id: 1128
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 11:50
Question 1: The housing options
Question 2: The spread of slavery and even the Oregon Trail
Redirect: /content/nail-connections-essay
Module Id: 953
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 12:07
Question 1:
Reaper shows the importance of agriculture in this country but it also shows the rise of technology and how that led to growth of cities
Question 2:
population density maps that show people moving to cities after the rise of mechanization
Redirect: /content/reaper-connections-essay
Module Id: 952
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 12:28
Question 1: Cold War
Question 2:
Really shows the lengths America went through to try to be number 1. To convince to all that the science and technology of the United States was far greater than that of the Soviets in all ways.
Redirect: /content/dishwasher-connections-essay
Module Id: 1093
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 12:34
Question 1:
Labor unions. worker rights. the Progressive Era. Industrialization and urbanizaation
Question 2:
minimum wages and how they began
the wage difference between men and women
Child labor
the wage difference between men and women
Child labor
Redirect: /content/shirtwaist-connections-essay
Module Id: 950
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 12:45
Question 1: Womens rights and suffrage
Question 2:
Newspapers and editorials showing those for and against womens rights. hypothesis of why womens rights started west then came east
Redirect: /content/dress-connections-essay
Module Id: 1075
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 12:59
Question 1: The democratization of information
Question 2: film, vcr, dvd , streaming
Redirect: /content/stereoscope-connections-essay
Module Id: 1047
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 13:06
Question 1: Westward Migration connecting and moving or products
Question 2: It shows how long that tension was in our country
Redirect: /content/mail-connections-essay
Module Id: 1021
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 13:50
Question 1: Civil War and its battles
Question 2: Tax rolls showing the increase to the same families
Redirect: /content/shoe-connections-essay
Module Id: 1002
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 13:56
Question 1: Slavery and what belongs in the Capitol and what does not
Question 2: Look at older maps and compare them to newer ones
Redirect: /content/stone-connections-essay
Module Id: 1039
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 14:19
Title: Using Historical thinking
Grade Level: Middle
Short Answer:
Allowing students to see touch and feel an item. It becomes more relevant to them. Then by adding on to the skeleton of different sources we can build a more complete picture that they are often able to remember because the object has value to them now
Redirect: /content/analyzing-objects-wrap
Module Id: 689
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 10:19
Title: Porcelain and tax
Grade Level: Middle
Short Answer:
I think to take such an everyday item as a tea cup and tie into it the taxes and then the issue with taxes. Most students will have at least a vague understanding of the Boston Tea party and then no taxation without representation. So the tea cup at least is a good jumping off place
Redirect: /content/porcelain-wrap
Module Id: 951
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 10:34
Title: Transistor
Grade Level: Middle
Short Answer:
I would show students pictures of old room sized computer na then show a graphing calculator and explain to them how these pieces have nearly the same thing. Then talk about the personal computer and the phone
Redirect: /content/transistor-wrap
Module Id: 1146
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 10:54
Title: Coffee
Grade Level: Middle
Short Answer:
Having students look at a recipe for making a cake and comparing that work to a boxed cake. this would begin to show the labor saving time especially from someone who is working outside the home. Then you could discuss the consistency factor and how important that could be
Redirect: /content/coffee-wrap
Module Id: 1147
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 11:10
Title: Musket Ball
Grade Level: Middle
Short Answer:
Beyond just the talk about the revolution. There can be a whole discussion about how this was one of the most powerful weapons at its time and can really help to discuss the 2nd Amendment
Redirect: /content/musket-ball-wrap
Module Id: 955
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 11:20
Title: Smallpox
Grade Level: Middle
Short Answer:
Smallpox can be great gateway to understand Native realtions as well as medical and scientific discoveries of the time. You can also study how many didnt understand the science and blamed evil spirits or sin
Redirect: /content/smallpox-wrap
Module Id: 954
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 11:36
Title: Tires
Grade Level: Middle
Short Answer:
Even showing a propaganda poster from the time period and getting students to discuss what they see and why. Then going back and discussing the facts of World War II. then having them produce a progaganda poster for todays world and what it would show
Redirect: /content/tire-wrap
Module Id: 1108
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 11:46
Title: Record
Grade Level: Middle
Short Answer:
The lyrics to this song are even more important to me then just the record. Today we are still battling what it means to be American. Can you hold on to your former culture or do you have to throw it away and embrace a new American attitude. I think by forcing students to listen to these words then looking at the development of ghettos and then finally ask are we truly a melting pot or just a mosaic
Redirect: /content/record-wrap
Module Id: 1128
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 11:59
Title: Nail
Grade Level: Middle
Short Answer:
I think to pick an item as well known as the nail then use it as a jumping off place to understanding housing differences, techology differences is a fantastic idea. Every kid would be able to pick out that it was a nail and then to show them how important such an item was to the growth of the country. To really show them the power of the mundane
Redirect: /content/nail-wrap
Module Id: 953
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 12:13
Title: Reaper
Grade Level: Middle
Short Answer:
This picture can lead to some many different units inside of American history. Could start with the growth of the Great Plains and then discuss industrialization and the rise of cities because of items like this.
It just shows the joy of using a picture like this to tell the story
It just shows the joy of using a picture like this to tell the story
Redirect: /content/reaper-wrap
Module Id: 952
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 12:31
Title: Dishwasher
Grade Level: Middle
Short Answer:
I do this with a picture of the interstate being built. But this does a great job of brining together so many themes of the 1950s and later together. To talk about retooling after World War II to the influx of credit and then how the baby boom created a need for more home with conviences in them. I would have never thought to go to the next step of applying that to the Cold War but its obvious now that I see it
Redirect: /content/dishwasher-wrap
Module Id: 1093
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 12:38
Title: Shirtwaist
Grade Level: Middle
Short Answer:
To be able to take an item like this womens shirt and show how bosses were so zealous of profit margins that human capital was nothing more than a replaceable resource. Could compare this incident with the Homestead strike
Redirect: /content/shirtwaist-wrap
Module Id: 950
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 12:47
Title: Dress
Grade Level: Middle
Short Answer:
Who was the power and why. I think this is one of the most important questions in our country. There is always a dichatomy between the status quo and those who wan to expand the definition of who is an American. This Dress does a great job of not only showing women's rights but also other minority groups like African Americans and Native Americans
Redirect: /content/dress-wrap
Module Id: 1075
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 13:01
Title: Streoscope
Grade Level: Middle
Short Answer:
I think the streoscope could be used in a much more bigger topic of the democratization of information. How can the average American get access to more information then they have now. This could fit in with average families buying encyclopedias. library cards the internet and even access to the internet with phones
Redirect: /content/stereoscope-wrap
Module Id: 1047
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 13:09
Title: Mail
Grade Level: Middle
Short Answer:
I would show a picture of the cotton gin and tie cotton into Westward Expansion and the spread of slavery and how Abolitionists tried to fight that. For what I teach that would have a more substantial benefit then the mail
Redirect: /content/mail-wrap
Module Id: 1021
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 13:52
Title: Shoe
Grade Level: Middle
Short Answer:
Having students research soldiers and what battles they fought in and figure out the milage on these shoes and then use the list of battles to examine the important battles
Redirect: /content/shoe-wrap
Module Id: 1002
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 13:57
Title: Stone
Grade Level: Middle
Short Answer:
I would explore this as again what belongs in America's capitol and what doesn't and that its ok to move or get rid of something if it doesn't fit the image we are looking to create for a city or even a park. That the worse crime isnt moving but making a certain group of people feel lilke they dont belong
Redirect: /content/stone-wrap
Module Id: 1039
User Id: 1500
Submitted: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 - 14:23