Analyzing Objects


Musket Ball















Question 1: It appears to be a porcelain cup and saucer
Question 2:
I would imagine the style of design would be unique to a particular region of the US
Redirect: /content/porcelain-resources
Module Id: 951
User Id: 1481
Question 1: It appears to be an electronic device
Question 2: Honestly... not really sure
Redirect: /content/transistor-resources
Module Id: 1146
User Id: 1481
Question 1:
Thinking critically about the relevance and lasting impact of historical moments , people, and objects.
Question 2: Objects provide a visual interpretation of the moment of time.
Redirect: /content/what-historical-thinking
Module Id: 689
User Id: 1481
Question 1: What is coffee extract?
Question 2: Manufacturing and or consumption of goods in the United States?
Redirect: /content/coffee-resources
Module Id: 1147
User Id: 1481
Question 1: Is it a bullet? Not very round though.
Question 2: I would imagine its from war or expansion.
Redirect: /content/musket-ball-resources
Module Id: 955
User Id: 1481
Question 1:
At first I thought it was a fabric or granite, then i could tell it was under a microscope.
Question 2: The spreading of disease throughout the population.
Redirect: /content/smallpox-resources
Module Id: 954
User Id: 1481
Question 1: Something was made in the USA?
Question 2: The connection of music to certain eras of American history.
Redirect: /content/record-resources
Module Id: 1128
User Id: 1481
Question 1: Some of the tires do not look all that worn out.
Question 2:
Maybe the expansion of industrialization or the change in America as a result of the growth of the automobile.
Redirect: /content/tire-resources
Module Id: 1108
User Id: 1481
Question 1: They are manufactured nails of various lengths.
Question 2: Industrialization and expansion of American communities.
Redirect: /content/nail-resources
Module Id: 953
User Id: 1481
Question 1: It appears to be a type of farming machinery.
Question 2:
Those who has access to these types of machinery could farm larger plots and farm more efficiently.
Redirect: /content/reaper-resources
Module Id: 952
User Id: 1481
Question 1: Its a gorgeous dishwasher.
Question 2:
Increased advancements in consumer goods and goods for increasing number of suburban homeowners.
Redirect: /content/dishwasher-resources
Module Id: 1093
User Id: 1481
Question 1: It is tied tightly around the waste.
Question 2: The growth of the textile industry in America.
Redirect: /content/shirtwaist-resources
Module Id: 950
User Id: 1481
Question 1: She is wearing a Women's Suffrage sash.
Question 2: She is a suffragist in America.
Redirect: /content/dress-resources
Module Id: 1075
User Id: 1481
Question 1: Looks like a video device.
Question 2: The introduction of television into US culture?
Redirect: /content/stereoscope-resources
Module Id: 1047
User Id: 1481
Question 1: It is confederate mail.
Question 2:
The US Postal Service is an amazing American institution like none other in the world.
Redirect: /content/mail-resources
Module Id: 1021
User Id: 1481
Question 1: It looks like the stone has been fashioned for some purpose.
Question 2: Since it has something engraved on the side it must have a specific purpose.
Redirect: /content/stone-resources
Module Id: 1039
User Id: 1481
Question 1: Its a very well worn shoe.
Question 2: Not really sure what this connection will be.
Redirect: /content/shoe-resources
Module Id: 1002
User Id: 1481
Question 1:
If it were manufactured in the US it would be a symbol of the financial independence from England . If it were made in England it would represent goods that were no longer being imported into the Colonies/US.
Question 2:
I would like to know specific events in England that the English were claiming were being "virtually" represented.
Redirect: /content/porcelain-connections-essay
Module Id: 951
User Id: 1481
Question 1:
They moved hand and hand, as they were made smaller yet more powerful, so did the technology to move America forward (and Japan).
Question 2: How did these advancements in technology advance and change the American people?
Redirect: /content/transistor-connections-essay
Module Id: 1146
User Id: 1481
Question 1:
Historical thinking is thinking about how objects moments and people tell the stories of the past.
Question 2:
Objects allow students whether correctly or incorrectly think about how objects were used. As the last interview said it doesnt matter if they are correct, it matters that they think critically.
Redirect: /content/connections-essay-historical-thinking
Module Id: 689
User Id: 1481
Question 1:
Innovations out of the necessity of war filtered over to the necessity of maintaining profits and creating demand for consumers.
Question 2:
Producers were trying to create "need" or "roles" for women to sell products. The "role" of women was driven by advertising.
Redirect: /content/coffee-connections-essay
Module Id: 1147
User Id: 1481
Question 1:
The musket was used by the professional soldier because of its ability to fire rapidly.
Question 2:
"Advertisements", recruitment and newspaper articles provided different views of soldiers. The views of the British on the American soldiers' tactics were vastly different as well.
Redirect: /content/musket-ball-connections-essay
Module Id: 955
User Id: 1481
Question 1:
I found it fascinating that a slave told the story of being vaccinated against small pox.
Question 2:
Vacca- The benefit is obvious to us years later, but nor so much to soldiers and colonists as they were going through this.
Redirect: /content/connections-essay-smallpox
Module Id: 954
User Id: 1481
Question 1:
Well I was completely wrong at first. Now it makes sense. I originally thought of the David Bowie song "Young Americans", but this obviously explains the new American immigrants.
Question 2:
Immigration records, political cartoons, news articles would tell a complete story of immigration.
Redirect: /content/record-connections-essay
Module Id: 1128
User Id: 1481
Question 1:
I thought they weren't all used, but obviously sacrificing and not wasting was a top priority of WWII.
Question 2:
I would want to know just who willing most Americans were, just how many "sacrificed". I compare it to the current situation where some Americans are sacrificing fort he benefit of others and some are unwilling to.
Redirect: /content/tire-connections-essay
Module Id: 1108
User Id: 1481
Question 1:
Once you could mass produce the nail, it had a spiraling effect on society. I would not have thought about the impact this simple small product would have on the whole of society. Expansion of the population, westward movement, increase homeownership, etc... all because of a nail.
Question 2:
Obviously the ability to build cheaper, easier, and quicker shelter allowed people to move westward and establish roots in new territories.
Redirect: /content/nail-connections-essay
Module Id: 953
User Id: 1481
Question 1:
It helped foster urban development, transportation, and a shift away from the number of people who farmed.
Question 2:
Once farming production became more efficient and "mass produced" two significant changes occurred. One was a shift away from farming lives into urban. And two, transportation and industrialization significantly grew.
Redirect: /content/reaper-connections-essay
Module Id: 952
User Id: 1481
Question 1:
I never would have thought of the connection of the dishwasher to the Cold War. Interesting to see the two sides.
Question 2:
My understanding had always been kid of a surface level understanding, meaning there were significant political and military events that occurred. I never really grasped the deep dislike between the two countries, almost on a personal level as evidence in the video.
Redirect: /content/dishwasher-connections-essay
Module Id: 1093
User Id: 1481
Question 1:
The changes in labor rules and safety due to the textile industry fire certainly impacted worker conditions in 20th century America.
Question 2: Worker compensation and job guarantees would be issues that some might address.
Redirect: /content/shirtwaist-connections-essay
Module Id: 950
User Id: 1481
Question 1: The design of the white to resemble Greek models of society.
Question 2:
I found it very interesting the resistance movement of women looking for voting rights. The willingness' to be arrested and be political dissidence is something I was not aware of.
Redirect: /content/dress-connections-essay
Module Id: 1075
User Id: 1481
Question 1:
With increase in middle and upper class wealth the stereoscope became an escape and a symbol of wealth.
Question 2:
Obviously the impact of television would be a great way to study how influential technology can be on us history.
Redirect: /content/stereoscope-connections-essay
Module Id: 1047
User Id: 1481
Question 1:
I found it interesting to see the issues the post office had with slavery. I was not aware of the intent of the US postal service to disseminate political information.
Question 2:
The tensions spreading into the postal service refusing to disseminate anti slavery materials was interesting.
Redirect: /content/mail-connections-essay
Module Id: 1021
User Id: 1481
Question 1:
As the new capital grew changes were occurring to the institution of slavery in the country.
Question 2:
students could investigate how the boundaries of the US changed with the Louisiana Purchase.
Redirect: /content/stone-connections-essay
Module Id: 1039
User Id: 1481
Question 1:
They reflect the change in the roll of the Federal Government with the Civil War.
Question 2:
Taxation records and federal contracts would reflect the changes of the Federal Government.
Redirect: /content/shoe-connections-essay
Module Id: 1002
User Id: 1481
Title: Porcelain
Grade Level: High
Short Answer:
Having students evaluate "everyday" items or common items of the time period that were being used by colonists to see how they contributed to the desire to revolt. Also look to see how they changed after the Revolution.
Redirect: /content/porcelain-wrap
Module Id: 951
User Id: 1481
Title: Transistor
Grade Level: High
Short Answer:
I believe it is interesting to see the rate at which this technology grew (Morres Law). I think it can connect to how much live has changed due to these changes as well.
Redirect: /content/transistor-wrap
Module Id: 1146
User Id: 1481
Title: Objects
Grade Level: High
Short Answer:
I would gather historical objects or artifacts for students to analyze and think critically about there usage and placement in time.
Redirect: /content/analyzing-objects-wrap
Module Id: 689
User Id: 1481
Title: Advertising
Grade Level: High
Short Answer:
I think illustrating the advertisers' need to create demand and sales of products lead to what Americans "wanted". I have shown the documentary "creators of Cool" which looks at the same ideas only with a modern connection.
Redirect: /content/coffee-wrap
Module Id: 1147
User Id: 1481
Title: Warfare
Grade Level: High
Short Answer:
It is fascinating to me and eye opening the differences of the musket and the riffle. I always laughed at the tactics of the British army, i now understand why. These tactics are also vastly different than the farmer soldier for obvious reasons. I think these concepts can really help students understand the differences in the Americans and the British.
Redirect: /content/musket-ball-wrap
Module Id: 955
User Id: 1481
Title: COVID
Grade Level: High
Short Answer:
Great way to connect current events to past historical events. I am sure students would find it interesting to see how the past dealt with a pandemic.
Redirect: /content/smallpox-wrap
Module Id: 954
User Id: 1481
Title: Immigration
Grade Level: High
Short Answer:
I think the experience of the immigrant is very compelling to students. The sacrifice and the struggle immigrants endured to be successful in America was amazing. Images and stories of the immigrant experience would be useful in capturing student attention.
Redirect: /content/record-wrap
Module Id: 1128
User Id: 1481
Title: Sacrifcing
Grade Level: High
Short Answer:
I think this would be a difficult topic to engage students with, how do you connect the sacrifice Americans made during WWII with the "sacrifices"(haha) kids have to make today. My grandmother would tell me stories of this era, I would hope hearing first hand accounts of sacrifice would engage them.
Redirect: /content/tire-wrap
Module Id: 1108
User Id: 1481
Title: Nail
Grade Level: High
Short Answer:
I think this simple product and relating to all the changes it provided, students would find that interesting. I would start off showing the a video of the first cell phone and they would find it funny how far phones have advanced and home much has changed because of that.
Redirect: /content/nail-wrap
Module Id: 953
User Id: 1481
Title: Reaper
Grade Level: High
Short Answer:
Having students hypothesis about how a particular invention would lead to drastic other changes would be a good start. I think the automobile and all the subsequent industries and changes that occurred from that would be a good introduction to these changes.
Redirect: /content/reaper-wrap
Module Id: 952
User Id: 1481
Title: Cold War consumerism
Grade Level: High
Short Answer:
I think looking at products that changed Americans way of life at this time period is interesting. The idea that a dishwasher would be significant representation of the conflict is interesting.
Redirect: /content/dishwasher-wrap
Module Id: 1093
User Id: 1481
Title: Industrial Workers
Grade Level: High
Short Answer:
I have many students who work jobs for either college or financial independence. I believe they would find in very interesting to see the experience of workers in the early 20th century.
Redirect: /content/shirtwaist-wrap
Module Id: 950
User Id: 1481
Title: Dress
Grade Level: High
Short Answer:
Looking at standard clothing fashion as it reflects changes in a "women's role" is interesting. Students could be engaged in observing fashion over time.
Redirect: /content/dress-wrap
Module Id: 1075
User Id: 1481
Title: Stereoscope
Grade Level: High
Short Answer:
Students might be better engaged looking at the impact of the Television on US history. I would start with that as an introduction to these themes.
Redirect: /content/stereoscope-wrap
Module Id: 1047
User Id: 1481
Title: Mail
Grade Level: High
Short Answer:
This module illustrates just how deep the political web goes. Illustrating to students the importance of the mail to early America is key. How it relates to slavery is interesting as well.
Redirect: /content/mail-wrap
Module Id: 1021
User Id: 1481
Title: Stone
Grade Level: High
Short Answer:
As a resident of Northern VA it is interesting to learn about Alexandria's role in slavery. I think students would find it interesting to learn about how close slavery was to our area. It is also interesting to learn of the untalked about aspect of slavery.
Redirect: /content/stone-wrap
Module Id: 1039
User Id: 1481
Title: Shoes
Grade Level: High
Short Answer:
I think having a debate about the role and limits of the Federal Government would be an interesting way to introduce these ideas. Then back track show how the roles today developed.
Redirect: /content/shoe-wrap
Module Id: 1002
User Id: 1481