Analyzing Objects


Musket Ball















Question 1:
Looking at the events of the time but also thinking about the people and their lives and culture.
Question 2:
Objects show a picture of what was happening during a period in history. They themselves can tell a story about the lives of the people living during this time.
Redirect: /content/what-historical-thinking
Module Id: 689
User Id: 1473
Question 1: It appears to be mechanical, very large, it has handles and many parts
Question 2:
A new invention showing the technological advances. May be invented to make the lives of the people that use it easier?
Redirect: /content/reaper-resources
Module Id: 952
User Id: 1473
Question 1:
They do not look like the tires we have today, they are thin and taller. Also this is a huge junk pile of tires, why?
Question 2:
What was happening here that created this tire graveyard. What types of uses could there be for these tires, cars, tractors, machines?
Redirect: /content/tire-resources
Module Id: 1108
User Id: 1473
Question 1:
It says Confederate States of America, it is going to South Carolina, it has the words auditor in to places, it says FREE, and the post office department is named
Question 2:
It leads one to think it was being mailed during the time of the Confederacy, possibly during the Civil War
Redirect: /content/mail-resources
Module Id: 1021
User Id: 1473
Question 1:
1. I notice the heavy construction of leather, the thickness of the shoe laces, the worn leather, the tattered appearance, and the stitching on the leather and the sole
Question 2:
1. We can think about the technology that was needed to make the shoes.
2. We can think about who would wear these and for what purpose.
3. We can look at the style and make inferences about what this type of boot would be used for
4. We can ask who would wear this boot and due to the tattered appearance ask if this may have been the only pair they had.
Redirect: /content/shoe-resources
Module Id: 1002
User Id: 1473
Question 1: The material, the size, variations in length and shape
Question 2:
Tells about the materials and manufacturing available to the creation of these types of items. They do not appear to be machine made so we can deduce that they were made prior to industrialization
Redirect: /content/nail-resources
Module Id: 953
User Id: 1473
Question 1: The material and finishes are detailed. They appear to be machine made
Question 2:
What was happening in manufacturing in the clothing industry. who was making them and how and where
Redirect: /content/shirtwaist-resources
Module Id: 950
User Id: 1473
Question 1:
The color of her dress, the sash she is wearing, the simplicity of the garment and the women in the picture.
Question 2:
We can look at the car and estimate the time period. we can make guesses about the sash and what is says and what it would have been worn for.
Redirect: /content/dress-resources
Module Id: 1075
User Id: 1473
Question 1:
It is reading, analyzing, questioning, and contextualizing the objects and how it fits into and represents history. Looking at what happened and what it meant, using primary and secondary sources from different sides and audiences.
Question 2:
Objects can encourage student to think about history as more than just an event or a date in time. It can encourage them to think about what was happening, culturally, economically, and socially.
Redirect: /content/connections-essay-historical-thinking
Module Id: 689
User Id: 1473
Question 1:
We can examine the life of a farmer before and after the reaper. Connections can be made to the reaper and the subsequent development of other inventions. For example, the reaper leading to the need to inventions to process the wheat and transport the wheat. We can also examine the reaper relative to peoples overall quality of life, standard or living and the geographical considerations of Americans at the time. For example, the development of a need for a change to the infrastructure with regards to roads and canals.
Question 2:
We could examine the development and construction of the railroads. We could connect the transportation systems which were improving and link this to the ability of Americans to become more mobile and independent of geographical location. Creating a better infrastructure meant American families had more choice as to where they lived and how they lived. New technologies allowed for changes which made daily life easier. New technologies in one area often times led to new tech in other areas. For example, better roads, better canals, means better transportation, more people can travel, geography isn't a deciding factor as much, and products were available which had not been available before.
Redirect: /content/reaper-connections-essay
Module Id: 952
User Id: 1473
Question 1:
What appears to be just a junk pile of old tires, under further investigation turns out to represent what was happening during this time in America as she prepares for war. We can connect them to the war and war efforts.
Question 2:
You would want to ask:
What is the message?
Who is the message meant for?
What are they trying to create, for example a feeling or an action
Redirect: /content/tire-connections-essay
Module Id: 1108
User Id: 1473
Question 1:
We can look at this letter as an example of the uses of the post office at the time. The naming of the Confederate States of America and the address of South Carolina can lead to further examination of the uses of the post office during this time
Question 2:
The resources help to support the idea that the Civil War was not in fact about states rights in the big sense, but in the right to own slaves. The contention of the southern states against the federal post in the dissemination of political mail in favor of abolition, only furthers the support that the country was being divided on the pro and con sides of slavery
Redirect: /content/mail-connections-essay
Module Id: 1021
User Id: 1473
Question 1:
The shoe has historical meaning during this time period. The shoe not only represents the physical features of the craftsmanship but it also represents the low quality of the product due to outside factors.
We we look further into the time period during the Civil War and it opens learning about wha the soldiers experienced not inly with supplies but also with required service. Using the shoes as a led in, you can teach students about the changing role of the federal government during this time and the impact it had on the citizens. For example, the income tax, the draft, and the practice of unregulated goods.
Question 2:
You could use the draft examples to draw correlations to today's enlistment practices for all branches of the military. You can draw comparisons to the draft being used in other wars.
The regulation of product and quality control standards as well as government contracts used so widely today.
You could look at income tax forms as a primary source and political cartoons or written literature of the time to compare to the primary sources
Redirect: /content/shoe-connections-essay
Module Id: 1002
User Id: 1473
Question 1:
The change in the ability to mass produce and machine produce the nail made the nails cheaper which made impacts on building and housing. It also had an impact on the ability of people to move westward and order through mail order catalogs homes they could easily build.
Question 2:
People wanted adventure, new beginnings, land ownership and escape from the racial tensions in the south. The mass produced nail allowed people to build homes where they chose to settle. More people would have been able to move or feel comfortable moving because they could build a home which unlike the log cabin and such were comfortable and warm.
Redirect: /content/nail-connections-essay
Module Id: 953
User Id: 1473
Question 1:
It shed light on the working conditions in the factories and many issues that led to labor movements to fight against the unsafe and unfair working conditions
Question 2:
How were other industries affected by unsafe working conditions. How did the low pay affect the lives of the workers. How about the issues of child labor.
Redirect: /content/shirtwaist-connections-essay
Module Id: 950
User Id: 1473
Question 1:
It connects to the movement of the time. We read that is was used to represent the women fighting for womens rights not only to vote but for birth control and abolition of prostitution.
Question 2:
We could examine historical events that took place as the women fought for the movement, such as newspaper articles written about the events from outside sources.
Redirect: /content/dress-connections-essay
Module Id: 1075
User Id: 1473
Title: Life on the Great Plains
Grade Level: Middle
Short Answer:
Use objects such as wooden wagon wheels, or sod to explain how the settlers lived and what they experienced. Have students analyze what sod is made from , how it reacts to weather and make inferences about what it was like to live in a sod house. With the wagon wheel, let them examine it, roll it even to see what they feel. Ask them guess how they would feel riding in a wagon with these types of wheels, ask about noise, comfort, safety, and wear and tear.
Redirect: /content/analyzing-objects-wrap
Module Id: 689
User Id: 1473
Title: How the Reaper changed the life of a farmer
Grade Level: Middle
Short Answer:
I would open with a picture of the reaper and see if students could guess what it is, Then can they guess what is does, or what it would be used for. Following that up with ideas on what the students think this meant to the daily lives of the farmers. I would have students try to think big picture as far as how this invention could led to other inventions and why.
Redirect: /content/reaper-wrap
Module Id: 952
User Id: 1473
Title: A tires purpose
Grade Level: Middle
Short Answer:
I would use the images to engage the students into the physical attributes of the tires, what do they look like, how many are there, are they old or new?
Then ask them to think about what a tire is made of and other uses for that material. We would then follow up with the images of the ads and discussion over the was time effort and rationing.
Redirect: /content/tire-wrap
Module Id: 1108
User Id: 1473
Title: You've got mail!
Grade Level: Middle
Short Answer:
I would introduce the students to the post office and ask them for their opinions of the post office today. Then we would have a discussion about the purpose and importance of the postal system when it began. We would look at the pre-civil war years and examine uses of the post office and then discuss the controversies and the pros and cons for the protection of freedom of speech and the use of political literature. It will be important for students to analyze the post offices role on both sides of the argument.
Redirect: /content/mail-wrap
Module Id: 1021
User Id: 1473
Title: The story of a shoe
Grade Level: Middle
Short Answer:
I would use the shoe picture to ask them what they see. I would ask them to guess when they think the shoes were made and then make observations about the quality, construction, warmth, comfort and use. From there we would move to the story of the soldiers and how they didnt have enough supplies and led into the draft and the increasing role of the government.
Redirect: /content/shoe-wrap
Module Id: 1002
User Id: 1473
Title: Build a house
Grade Level: Middle
Short Answer:
I would show the students pictures of the different homes and ask them what they thought it was like to live in them. Then we would look at the nail and it transition from handmade to machine made. We would look at the importance of the population explotion and the movement westward and how the nail and the ability to build a home made all of this easier.
Redirect: /content/nail-wrap
Module Id: 953
User Id: 1473
Title: Negative effects of industrialization
Grade Level: Middle
Short Answer:
we would look at the different industries and how the working class lived. Also what brought about the labor union movement and progressive movement. How were changes made and what types of changes were brought about over the next years. We would study the importance of the Triangle shirtwaist company and how it seemed to be the tipping point.
Redirect: /content/shirtwaist-wrap
Module Id: 950
User Id: 1473
Title: The White Dress
Grade Level: Middle
Short Answer:
I would have students view the photo and possibly others with the women dressed in white and ask them to explain how it makes them feel. Then we can tie in the traditional uses of color is other aspects of life and events. We could discuss why they chose white and the use of the color throughout the movement.
Redirect: /content/dress-wrap
Module Id: 1075
User Id: 1473