Analyzing Objects


Musket Ball















Question 1:
Being able to analyze primary and secondary source documents, historical events, and people to understand the past.
Question 2:
A picture, or in this case an object, is worth a 1000 words. They are great as a way to get people thinking about what went went on or what role that object played.
Redirect: /content/what-historical-thinking
Module Id: 689
User Id: 1468
Question 1: Its small size and that it is not perfectly round or smooth.
Question 2:
This object could connect to wars (Revolution and Civil War) as well as the move to settle the west (manifest destiny) and the connection to life on the frontier.
Redirect: /content/musket-ball-resources
Module Id: 955
User Id: 1468
Question 1: Slim waist, high neck, covers all skin.
Question 2:
This could connect to women's fashion, the role(s) women were meant to play, the relationship(s) between men and women.
Redirect: /content/shirtwaist-resources
Module Id: 950
User Id: 1468
Question 1: Different sizes, hand made?
Question 2:
This could connect tot he rise of the industrial economy, the westward expansion movement, the rise of cities.
Redirect: /content/nail-resources
Module Id: 953
User Id: 1468
Question 1: simple design compared to modern machines, use of machinery
Question 2:
Increase importance of industrial economy, innovation, trade, division between north and south.
Redirect: /content/reaper-resources
Module Id: 952
User Id: 1468
Question 1: Cells, possibly some kind of disease
Question 2:
This could be an example of technological innovation, population decline/movement, new understanding of biology.
Redirect: /content/smallpox-resources
Module Id: 954
User Id: 1468
Question 1:
I notice the age of the shoes as well as how they were made and what they were made of. I notice where they are worn and that when you really think about it the basic design of shoes hasn't changed all that much.
Question 2:
These shoes would have been worn by people as they helped built this country. They could represent work shoes or just shoes that were worn for everyday activities.
Redirect: /content/shoe-resources
Module Id: 1002
User Id: 1468
Question 1:
Fine craftsmanship, very ornate and colorful, probably belongs to a very wealthy person or family.
Question 2:
Trade, wealth from industrialization, connection to British society (tea time), slave based plantation agriculture
Redirect: /content/porcelain-resources
Module Id: 951
User Id: 1468
Question 1:
Post Office Confederate States of America, Free, How the Confederacy kept some of the federal institutions after secession.
Question 2:
How the Confederacy was set up. What did secession really mean? What was it like to live in the Confederate States of America as opposed to the United States.
Redirect: /content/mail-resources
Module Id: 1021
User Id: 1468
Question 1: Old tombstone?
Question 2:
Important people dying or showing the importance of certain groups or people in american history.
Redirect: /content/stone-resources
Module Id: 1039
User Id: 1468
Question 1: It is designed to give a 3D image.
Question 2: Increases and rise of US technology and industry??
Redirect: /content/stereoscope-resources
Module Id: 1047
User Id: 1468
Question 1: The color and length of the dress as well as the sash that she is wearing
Question 2: Women's rights movement?
Redirect: /content/dress-resources
Module Id: 1075
User Id: 1468
Question 1:
Being able to analyze primary and secondary source documents, historical events, objects,and people to understand the past.
Question 2:
A picture, or in this case an object, is worth a 1000 words. They are great as a way to get people thinking about what went on or what role that object played. They can allow students to in some cases literally feel and touch history in order to make better and more meaningful connections.
Redirect: /content/connections-essay-historical-thinking
Module Id: 689
User Id: 1468
Question 1:
It connects tot he ways in which wars were fought (tactics, training, use of troops, types of troops, etc.)
Question 2:
Journal or diary entries, letters home, orders issued by officers, drill manuals, plans of battle.
Redirect: /content/musket-ball-connections-essay
Module Id: 955
User Id: 1468
Question 1:
This shirtwaist connects to the women's rights and workers rights movements as well as the increase in industrialization in the cities. This represents how women (and labor in general) were treated at the same time how women were gaining rights in some areas and not in others.
Question 2: What proactive measures if any were being tried to help worker and labor safety?
Redirect: /content/shirtwaist-connections-essay
Module Id: 950
User Id: 1468
Question 1:
The mass produced nail shows the development of the machine based industrial economy in America as well as the different styles of home building and our view of how westward expansion looked and changed over time.
Question 2:
Yes. It relates to the story of barbed wire, the telegraph, and the railroad.

Barbed wire for instance was created as a way to mark off land as we moved west and changed things from the open range style of cattle ranching to a more closed in version.
Redirect: /content/nail-connections-essay
Module Id: 953
User Id: 1468
Question 1:
It connects to the idea of an increasing market economy and the innovation that would drive America more and more into the industrial age.
Question 2:
Increased industrial production caused people to leave the farms and move to cities to find work. this movement to the cities had a dramatic effect on peoples lives as more and more of the US population lived in the cites rather than the countryside. This would eventually give rise to workers rights movements, unions, new transportation technology, changes in cleanliness and dress, etc.
Redirect: /content/reaper-connections-essay
Module Id: 952
User Id: 1468
Question 1:
It connects to the ideas of ramifications of colonization and its long term effects. It connects to advances in medicine. It is also interesting that Cotton Mather credits his slave for helping him with the idea.
Question 2:
You get to see the good and bad aspects of society. You see how smallpox was used as a means indirectly (and on occasion directly) as a weapon to win wars. You also get to see how the threat of disease spurs people to move forward and look for ways to combat it.
Redirect: /content/connections-essay-smallpox
Module Id: 954
User Id: 1468
Question 1:
It connects to everything from the lack of industrial production in the shoe industry in the run up to and during the Civil War. It connects to the expansion of federal government power as a means to procure the supplies necessary to fight the war.
Question 2:
Lincolns order suspending the writ of habeus corpus, the 14th, 15th and 16th Amendments. Documents showing the way the South was managed during the period of Reconstruction in the South following the war.
Redirect: /content/shoe-connections-essay
Module Id: 1002
User Id: 1468
Question 1:
It connects to the American idea of no taxation without representation and it would stand as a symbol of un-patriotic spending since it would have been imported as a requirement for living in a British dominated society.
Question 2:
More information about the American idea of self-government and individual freedoms that was developing. I would also want to know more about the reasons for not paying the British taxes.
Redirect: /content/porcelain-connections-essay
Module Id: 951
User Id: 1468
Question 1:
The mail was originally set up with the idea that it would spread information and not be for one side or the other in political matters. The changing of this idea mirrors the changing of peoples opinions of slavery as well as the role of state governments versus the federal government.
Question 2:
These resources made me think about how the reasons for the Civil War in the South really only came about when they were starting to not be able to get their way with the federal government. Strong central authority was ok as long as it was being used for their benefit.
Redirect: /content/mail-connections-essay
Module Id: 1021
User Id: 1468
Question 1:
The boundary stone reperesents how the nation became more and more divided over the issues of slavery, states rights, etc and culminated in the Civil War.
Question 2:
Student can look at the Great Wall of China and Hadrian's Wall and see how old boundaries match up with current ones. They can also look at maps of the world before and after WWI and WWII and see the changes.
Redirect: /content/stone-connections-essay
Module Id: 1039
User Id: 1468
Question 1:
The boundary stone represents how the nation became more and more divided over the issues of slavery, states rights, etc and culminated in the Civil War.
Question 2:
Student can look at the Great Wall of China and Hadrian's Wall and see how old boundaries match up with current ones. They can also look at maps of the world before and after WWI and WWII and see the changes.
Redirect: /content/stone-connections-essay
Module Id: 1039
User Id: 1468
Question 1:
These cards could be sued to shape American viewpoints on what was necessary to have, do, say, or act as well as provide a means of work and show the changing faces of America.
Question 2:
Research the history of the photo. From the earliest photographs to modern social media and internet posts.
Redirect: /content/stereoscope-connections-essay
Module Id: 1047
User Id: 1468
Question 1:
This dress represents women fighting for the right to vote, purity of purpose, changes in the woman's place in society (appearance/in the house or out).
Question 2:
I would like to read the Seneca Fall's Declaration as well as the transcripts of any debates in Congress or the states on the subject of Woman's suffrage.
Redirect: /content/dress-connections-essay
Module Id: 1075
User Id: 1468
Title: Social Studies Teacher
Grade Level: High
Short Answer:
Bring in things for the students to interact with, such as photos, replicas of historical objects, actual historical objects, primary and secondary source documents, etc. Things to get the students thinking about the class material in a different way. Have them really start thinking historically.
Redirect: /content/analyzing-objects-wrap
Module Id: 689
User Id: 1468
Title: Teacher
Grade Level: High
Short Answer:
I would show the student the video on the musket and talk with them a little bit about that and then give them several of the primary sources used in this lesson and have them dissect them and find the main ideas behind each.
Redirect: /content/musket-ball-wrap
Module Id: 955
User Id: 1468
Title: Teacher
Grade Level: High
Short Answer:
I would show them pictures of the shirtwaist itself, the factory (pre and post fire) and women fighting for better working conditions. I would get their first reactions to each and then I would explain what each photo was and what it meant and then get their reaction after hearing the explanations. I would them use those reactions to facilitate a class discussion and then connect it to a modern event such as workers rights movements in places like Bangladesh.
Redirect: /content/shirtwaist-wrap
Module Id: 950
User Id: 1468
Title: Teacher
Grade Level: High
Short Answer:
I would go about it in the roughly the same way this module did. Give them an image of early nails and then have them go through the same process that I just did in the module. Have them look and try to see how something so small and seemingly insignificant as a nail and how it was produced had such a major impact on American history and development.
Redirect: /content/nail-wrap
Module Id: 953
User Id: 1468
Title: Teacher
Grade Level: High
Short Answer:
I would show examples of the new farming technologies that were being developed and ask them to give me reasons that these would be positive and negative. I would also have them discuss what other parts of society would change with the invention and use of these new technologies and how that would change America overall.
Redirect: /content/reaper-wrap
Module Id: 952
User Id: 1468
Title: Smallpox
Grade Level: High
Short Answer:
I would show the students sources that show the pros and cons of inoculation and have them discuss what side they fall on. I would then have them research other diseases and see how they were spread and what was done to combat them.
Redirect: /content/smallpox-wrap
Module Id: 954
User Id: 1468
Title: Change in the Role of Government
Grade Level: High
Short Answer:
I would lead my class in discussion of the changing size and role of the federal government through our history. I would break the class up into four groups and have them each research what the govt was responsible for at different points. One group would look at George Washington, another Lincoln, another FDR and finally the last group would look at our government today. They would then have to create a visual representation of the governments responsibilities during their assigned time.
Redirect: /content/shoe-wrap
Module Id: 1002
User Id: 1468
Title: No Taxation Without Representation
Grade Level: High
Short Answer:
I would have the students dive into primary source documents from the time and look at the colonists reasons for resisting the taxes and why they started to resist now. I would also have hem look into reasons that might not have been so patriotic, such as getting items (sugar, tea, etc) cheaper from other European powers. After they had done this I would have them decide whether this was all about fighting for rights or about getting items cheaper.
Redirect: /content/porcelain-wrap
Module Id: 951
User Id: 1468
Title: Post Office
Grade Level: High
Short Answer:
I would use the exact same sources and ideas that were used in this module as a way to interact with my students. I think that looking at this issues the way that the module does allows for students to look at and understand the Civil war and the reasons behind in a different way than they may have before.
Redirect: /content/mail-wrap
Module Id: 1021
User Id: 1468
Title: Boundaries
Grade Level: High
Short Answer:
I would have my student look at maps of the US and have them research and discuss the changes that were made as the nation expanded. We would go over the reasons for events/decisions such as the slave compromises, the effects of the Mexican-American and Civil Wars, and the impacts of "Manifest Destiny."
Redirect: /content/stone-wrap
Module Id: 1039
User Id: 1468
Title: Pictures
Grade Level: High
Short Answer:
I think it would be awesome to get these types of stereographs and images in their hands if possible. If not I would at least have them chose an event in American History (after the invention of photography) and use the Library of Congresses online image collections to come up with some "defining images" of the era or event that they chose.
Redirect: /content/stereoscope-wrap
Module Id: 1047
User Id: 1468
Title: Sufferin Till Suffrage
Grade Level: High
Short Answer:
I would have my students complete the same type of assignment as the module. Present them with an image to get them thinking and then provide them with sets of primary and secondary sources about the fight for women's suffrage in America.
Redirect: /content/dress-wrap
Module Id: 1075
User Id: 1468