Analyzing Objects


Musket Ball















Question 1:
I would consider historical thinking to be thinking about how a person would have thought during specific time periods based on the knowledge someone would have had during that era.
Question 2:
Historical objects could be used to generate ideas about how the object would have been used or the advantages or disadvantages of having such an object. Knowing its usage could have a person understand a person's life, job, status, etc.
Redirect: /content/what-historical-thinking
Module Id: 689
User Id: 1460
Question 1:
The object in the picture has levers, a cutting proponent and a platform that maybe someone could stand on and handles to hold on to. It also has to long poles in the front which may suggest it could be attached to a horse, mule or oxen. It is similar to a reaper.
Question 2:
Looking at the object one could determine it's time period due to its component parts and when would have such inventions been prominent. It appears to be a farming tool so what part of the country would it have been used in, who would have used. What type of animals were available to pull the invention would help with time period since horses were not a part of very early colonial times.
Redirect: /content/reaper-resources
Module Id: 952
User Id: 1460
Question 1:
The object appears to be an old rusty unopened can. It has scratches all over it as if someone tried to open it. The name Nescafe can be associated with a brand name for a coffee company today. Also the writing indicates the company Nestle. It may have buried in the ground or stored in something a long time ago.
Question 2:
Since we can see the words Nestle and milk on the can it can help us to determine the time period in which Nestle would have put their product in cans similar to this one.We could also determine how was it produced. Since is says milk product, it could be investigated as to when the technology of dry milk products was invented. What consumers was it made for: the general public supermarkets or the military? If it was mass produced did it happen during the industrial revolutionary era?
Redirect: /content/coffee-resources
Module Id: 1147
User Id: 1460
Question 1:
This object is in a kitchen near the sink and a group of kitchen cabinets. It obviously is a dishwasher. It is possibly plugged in the wall
Question 2:
Looking at the dishwasher it probably relates to the 1960"s. The tile on the wall indicates late 1950's or 1960"s style of design. It looks like an earlier model which would tell us time of manufacturing and maybe about other innovations which would improve house work for women who largely held the role as a homemakers. Other broader themes may connect to construction and interior design.
Redirect: /content/dishwasher-resources
Module Id: 1093
User Id: 1460
Question 1:
The object looks like a post card or letter addressed to someone during the Civil War because it indicates the Confederate States of America and it also has a postmark. It also states that it is official business.
Question 2:
This could possibly have something to do with being drafted into the military. It could also indicate the beginning of the Civil War since the initials SC are on the letter. South Carolina was the first Southern state to secede. This could also indicate that the South had basically seceded and organized its own postal services along with other governmental agencies.
Redirect: /content/mail-resources
Module Id: 1021
User Id: 1460
Question 1:
The objects is a woman's blouse. It is neatly tailored with buttons. It is also probably not homemade. It looks like it was manufactured in a factory.
Question 2:
The object may connect to the clothing industry for women during a certain time period or to the manufacturing of clothing during the industrial revolution. The retailing of women's clothing in stores is another possibility.
Redirect: /content/shirtwaist-resources
Module Id: 950
User Id: 1460
Question 1:
This object looks like an ancient view master. It is made of wood and metal. It has a handle for holding in your hand and is designed for viewing pictures. The picture is odd in that it has the same image on the right and the left.
Question 2:
The object could connect to the movie industry, photography or camera industry. Since it reminds me of an ancient view master it could even be connected to the toy industry.
Redirect: /content/stereoscope-resources
Module Id: 1047
User Id: 1460
Question 1:
The shoes look very worn. They are muddy and the soles are one of them is about the come apart from the shoe. You can see the stitching on the bottom of the sole. The way the shoes are laced is different from today. Time period of the shoe may be the late 1700's to 1800's.
Question 2:
The shoes would connect to the manufacturing industry for shoes, advertising industry. It could connect to the footwear worn during a certain time period. The shoes could have been worn during war time or at a time period when someone couldn't afford to purchase a new pair like during the depression.
Redirect: /content/shoe-resources
Module Id: 1002
User Id: 1460
Question 1:
In order to think historically one must investigate sources by reading accounts of past events, analyzing those primary sources, examining text and items and finding evidence that supports ones thinking about the past. It takes a combination of these efforts to draw conclusions about the past.
Question 2:
When using objects to encourage historical thinking one needs to inquire exactly what they see, and what they think about the object. Inquiry should lead to deep investigation of the objects usage and who would have used it and why. Knowing the answer to these questions could tell us not just about the importance of the object but also about the people and society in the past.
Redirect: /content/connections-essay-historical-thinking
Module Id: 689
User Id: 1460
Question 1:
The invention of the reaper increased farm production of grain. As more grain was produced it increased the need to have improved farming tools to thresh it. This lead to factories in the North mass producing farm tools along with the reaper. The result of mass production and increase production led to an increase in city growth because people moved from farming areas to find work in factories where mass production was taking place. Also since production of crops increased better and faster transportation was needed to transport products throughout the country as it continued to grow. Thus canals like the Erie and railroads began to grow to facilitate the transportation of products and goods.
Question 2:
The advancement of technology especially in transportation helped to transform Americans lives during the late 19th century. People were no longer confined to a agrarian lifestyle. The industrialization of America change the dynamics of people lives drastically and eventually tore the nation apart because of the cultural differences between the North and the South. Both sides not realizing that their dependency upon each other is what made them thrive and become the America of that time period.
Redirect: /content/reaper-connections-essay
Module Id: 952
User Id: 1460
Question 1:
The Nescafe coffee was a product used during WWII for soldiers which was an easier way for them to enjoy coffee in the military and on the battle field. Also the manufacturing of this product led to other instant and freeze dried foods being produced for the general market in the US. Although these products were unpopular at first, various advertising strategies were used to win over house wives who mainly took care of the household and children. So advertising became essential in the sales of these products.
Question 2:
Advertising had to be very strategic to convince or persuade women to buy into their product. Since the woman's role was largely in the home, she knew the value of what made household duties like cooking and cleaning easier for her and demonstrated that she was very good at her job. The advertisement had to be stated in such a way to prove that the product would make life even more efficient for her. The product being advertised had to prove that even though it made life easier it didn't degrade her ability to be a good homemaker. Such as with the instant cake mix. In order to give the cake the homemade taste, eggs and butter was added so it wouldn't effect the quality of the product and made the homemaker feel just as if she had made the cake from scratch.
Redirect: /content/coffee-connections-essay
Module Id: 1147
User Id: 1460
Question 1:
Definitely the mail played an important role during the 19th century. Using the postal service during the Civil War was a major form of communication; especially for soldiers to keep in touch with their families. Letters sent by soldiers during the war let their families know what the conditions were like on the battlefield. As discussed in this module many abolitionist use the postal service to inform Southerners about their anti-slavery beliefs. Which antagonized Southerners and led to the great dissension of the Civil War.
Question 2:
This module enlightened me about how trending beliefs surrounding slavery changed beginning with the Declaration of Independence to the beginning of the Civil War.(from a "lamentable evil"to "a positive good") I've always believed the idea of "states rights" centered around the fact that a state had the right to own another if they desired so. Most supporters of states rights argue the point that big government is not a good thing. But the push for "states rights" was largely based on that idea of having the right to own slaves. Many of the resources in this module built a case as to why slavery was needed but still emphasized the immorality of it. Most of that need centered around the economics of America. Money or greed dictated the role slavery played in the US. The fact that it was written in the Constitution that the Atlantic slave trade couldn't end for 20 years indicates that those who desired to own slaves would make new laws to keep the institution of slavery alive. Unfortunately those who wanted slavery and those who didn't couldn't compromise and the country headed toward a Civil War. Seems familiar to today's situations in so many ways.
Redirect: /content/mail-connections-essay
Module Id: 1021
User Id: 1460
Question 1:
This blouse helped women to be dressed less cumbersome and enabled them to enter into the workforce instead of remaining in the home. Also as more women entered the workforce demands for better wages and better labor laws were established especially in the garment industry. The unsafe conditions in garment factories such as the Triangle Waist Company led to a deadly fire in which over 100 people were killed. The lack of escape exits led to this catastrophe. This also impacted fire departments who didn't have necessary equipment to put out the fire and also the impact carried over to insurance companies who did not make companies have proper emergency plans in place in case of a fire or other disaster. The overall impact was a push to establish government agencies and legislation to oversee basic rights to workers.
Question 2:
I would be concerned about child labor laws during this time period. Also if laws were passed to protect workers, would it protect people of other races: African Americans, Asians, American Indians?
Redirect: /content/shirtwaist-connections-essay
Module Id: 950
User Id: 1460
Question 1:
The stereoscope broaden the way people looked at the world. People could see many different places and observe the lives of celebrities. The stereoscope also increase the usage of libraries for other than just getting books. Once libraries added the cards more people went to the library. The stereoscope also became a tool for teachers to show students people and places they were teaching about. Underwood and Underwood were able to shape society and the culture of adults and children through the cards and the images they presented. People who didn't have resources to travel were able to see the world through the stereoscope. In 1902 they were able to President Roosevelt and the way Underwood & Underwood highlighted him had great influence over the public's cultural values. The selling of the cards became a means of summer employment for college students and job opportunities for WW I veterans.
Question 2:
Students may research the development of television and movies. It is apparent that the technology of the stereoscope led to earlier development of radio, TV, and movies. It would be interesting for students to study the technology leading to the development of silent movies and radio.
Redirect: /content/stereoscope-connections-essay
Module Id: 1047
User Id: 1460
Question 1:
After going through this module, this pair of shoes led to an increase of mass production of military items and government oversight of items made for military use to make sure the item met a certain quality. The government spending for such items led to corruption by producers who sometimes charge too much. Also new sources of revenue had to obtained to keep the Union army supplied which led to the expansion of the Federal governments power to raise that revenue through income taxing of citizens. Before the war most citizens would have opposed such an expansion of the Federal government's power but in order to maintain the Union citizens just acknowledged that the expansion had to made.
Question 2:
The Emancipation Proclamation would be an excellent primary source document to analyze because it freed slaves in the Southern states. As the war ended and the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendment was added to the Constitution that expansion of Federal government power was extended into the Southern states that seceded. Federal troops were then sent to the South to make sure that the new amendments were enforced. The Federal government laws over rode the state's government in the area of slavery which had ended. A study of those amendments would way to show how those amendments impacted the lives of African Americans and southern citizens.
Redirect: /content/shoe-connections-essay
Module Id: 1002
User Id: 1460
Title: Primary Sources-- The Key to The Past
Grade Level: Middle
Short Answer:
I have used a history lab assignment to have students investigate primary source items in a box labeled Early American Indians. Students working in groups could examine and analyze the items using the historical inquiry chart to tell what they see, think and wonder. Students could also pair objects with other sources given them in the box to determine what the item is, what was its purpose, who primarily used it, and its importance to early American Indian society. Students could also determine if the source had any impact on our society today.
Redirect: /content/analyzing-objects-wrap
Module Id: 689
User Id: 1460
Title: The Impact of Inventions in 19th Century America
Grade Level: Middle
Short Answer:
In US History to 1865 we study about the impact of inventions during westward expansion. I would have students work in groups to identify pictures of certain inventions and tell about its usage and impact that it might have had on society during that time period and beyond.
Redirect: /content/reaper-wrap
Module Id: 952
User Id: 1460
Title: Instant Foods and Advertising
Grade Level: Middle
Short Answer:
I really liked this module. Students could compare how advertising influenced the production of instant or freeze dried foods during WWII to how advertising also influenced the fast food industry that exist today.
Redirect: /content/coffee-wrap
Module Id: 1147
User Id: 1460
Title: WWII and the Cold War
Grade Level: Middle
Short Answer:
I would really love to use the picture of an early kitchen gadget and have the students fill out a KWL chart and then pose the question what would be importance of that item. Then students could be group and research its development and importance.
Redirect: /content/dishwasher-wrap
Module Id: 1093
User Id: 1460
Title: Abolitionist and Slavery
Grade Level: Middle
Short Answer:
I would have student's work in groups to analyze anti-slavery literature like "The Liberator" and pose the question: What would be the impact of this paper being sent to Southerners? or Should abolitionist have the right to use a federal agency to persuade Southerners to end slavery? I would have groups discussed the question and bring the entire class back together and write points or answer to the questions on the board for further discussion.
Redirect: /content/mail-wrap
Module Id: 1021
User Id: 1460
Title: The Importance of Women in the Workplace
Grade Level: Middle
Short Answer:
I had no idea that the waist shirt could have such an impact. Posting the picture in class and having students research it's impact would provide great discussion. Students could be grouped to discuss the different aspects of its impact: labor laws, wages, fire insurance, emergency exits, building codes etc.
Redirect: /content/shirtwaist-wrap
Module Id: 950
User Id: 1460
Title: The Impact of Early Technology
Grade Level: Middle
Short Answer:
I would post the question, How did early technology Impact our Society? It would provide for a very good discussion. I would have students list some technologies on the board that impacted people's daily lives. We would discuss how did those technologies change the way people lived at that time and how did the creation of such technologies impact the lives of people today.
Redirect: /content/stereoscope-wrap
Module Id: 1047
User Id: 1460
Title: War boots and the Federal Government
Grade Level: Middle
Short Answer:
I would have students think about the connection between the pair of old war boots and the federal government. Another activity would be to just ask students how do we pay for wars or where/who does the money come from to pay for a war? Have them write down their answers and share with the class. Students could also research how did our government come up with idea of income tax and what is income taxes used for? These would be very good probing question that could lead to the power of the federal government.
Redirect: /content/shoe-wrap
Module Id: 1002
User Id: 1460