Analyzing Objects


Musket Ball















Question 1:
The art work on the cup is very specific, it looks like it was done by hand and each piece is probably one of a kind.
Question 2:
The tea cup and china go back to our times as British Colonies as tea was not just a major export and money maker for the British, it was also a major part of their lifestyle as many in England had social gatherings during tea time.
Redirect: /content/porcelain-resources
Module Id: 951
User Id: 1446
Question 1:
Historical thinking is the process of looking at the past and using artifacts to understand why certain groups of people in certain places lived the way they did. Why did they do the things they did? When we look at events in a timeline fashion rather than single events in time, we can get a better idea of why inventions and progress was made in the sequence it was. Historical thinking is more than looking at events individually, it is looking at events and understanding why those events took place based on what happened beforehand.
Question 2:
Artifacts are vital when it comes to understanding the past. By looking at objects that were used and created centuries ago, we can get a first hand understanding of how people lived and survived in different areas of the world. We can compare the similarities and differences among artifacts and get a better understanding of the hardships our ancestors had to adapt to and overcome in order to survive and prosper in different areas of the world.
Redirect: /content/what-historical-thinking
Module Id: 689
User Id: 1446
Question 1:
Historical thinking takes in to account the 'why' different groups of people made decisions they did. It looks at and analyzes the cause and effect relationships between people and their habitats, people and their interaction with other groups of people and people and how they created inventions to make their lives more efficient.
Question 2:
Objects show how different groups of people have progressed as time passed. By analyzing objects, we can see how different groups of people learned from their mistakes and forged ahead to better themselves.
Redirect: /content/connections-essay-historical-thinking
Module Id: 689
User Id: 1446