Analyzing Objects


Musket Ball















Question 1:
It is reading, analyzing and learning about historical events from multiple pieces or resources to think more deeply about historical events/people.
Question 2:
Historical objects are very valuable to help analyze and understand various time periods of the past. Without these timepieces it would be extremely difficult to understand the past.
Redirect: /content/what-historical-thinking
Module Id: 689
User Id: 1442
Question 1: They look like various lengths of hand made nails or wood spikes.
Question 2:
These would have been heavily used in the very beginning of the building of nearly everything in our country. Our country could not have grown to the size that it is today without the use of these objects.
Redirect: /content/nail-resources
Module Id: 953
User Id: 1442
Question 1:
It could be viewed as the first instrument used for virtual reality type experience. It allows for an in depth view of two slightly different pictures.
Question 2: One might be the need for patentes?
Photography? Binoculars...
Redirect: /content/stereoscope-resources
Module Id: 1047
User Id: 1442
Question 1: This looks like a shirt a middle class woman would wear in the colonial era.
Question 2: It connects to culture, fashion, sewing, of the time period.
Redirect: /content/shirtwaist-resources
Module Id: 950
User Id: 1442
Question 1: It is a record with a song and a singer I do not know.
Question 2:
May a morale boosting song during a time it was needed. Music- theatre, culture, war..
Redirect: /content/record-resources
Module Id: 1128
User Id: 1442
Question 1: This looks like a very old head stone.
Question 2: This could be from Jamestown, Colonial, Revolutionary, Civil War eras???
Redirect: /content/stone-resources
Module Id: 1039
User Id: 1442
Question 1:
It looks like a letter written by a confederate in South Carolina during the Civil War.
Question 2:
Letter writing was a primary way of communication before the telephone and the internet.
Redirect: /content/mail-resources
Module Id: 1021
User Id: 1442
Question 1: This looks like a very old can of coffee.
Question 2:
This could be a can of coffee found in a soldier's rucksack during one of our wars?
Redirect: /content/coffee-resources
Module Id: 1147
User Id: 1442
Question 1: This looks like a very vintage dishwasher.
Question 2:
I would think it was needed as more and more women joined the workforce and had less time to do house work.
Redirect: /content/dishwasher-resources
Module Id: 1093
User Id: 1442
Question 1: This is a reaper -- it's mechanical.
Question 2:
This invention automatically cut, threshed and bundled grain. It revolutionized farming and the processing of crops. It allowed for the expansion of farming. More crops, more money, higher population...
Redirect: /content/reaper-resources
Module Id: 952
User Id: 1442
Question 1:
Historical thinking encourages students to embrace the events of the past and analyze the full range of the events by engaging them to think critically and also leads them to be motivated by self leaning. Historical thinking is important to fosfor in our classrooms today to help them to become better citizens and think about and understand the world around them.
Question 2:
I really like the mystery object activity shared in the video. Have students state their observations about it. Allow them time to think and question the object. Then shared what they think what the object is used for. Objects should be used for close reading or observing- noticing the sources information-- comparing it to other objects-- then examine the larger context to make connections.
Redirect: /content/connections-essay-historical-thinking
Module Id: 689
User Id: 1442
Question 1:
This mast produced nail connects to many broder themes in our 19th century history. Immigration, the explosion of manufactured housing, westward movement.... This mass produced nail allowed more people to immigrate here and build homes. The explosion in population lead to the expansion and settlement to the west. Tensions increased between the north and south about slavery. The American Indians were forced to move away from people taking over and building on the land.
Question 2:
The nail relates to the story of the need to open up and explore the west because the population on the land on the east had become so heavily populated. The nail helped our country grow in population and infrastructure was made possible with the use of nails.
Redirect: /content/nail-connections-essay
Module Id: 953
User Id: 1442
Question 1:
Stereographs offered a way to teach about the world as well as help create informed citizenship, and provided views of many countries.
Mainly for the wealthier class, door to door salesman,
technology in education...
Question 2:
Stereographs are only one form of technology that has been used where manufactures carefully constructed their choice of images and words. This allowed them to present their views of what was going on politically, socially, and culturally in the United States and throughout the world. There has been many formats used for this throughout our history.
Redirect: /content/stereoscope-connections-essay
Module Id: 1047
User Id: 1442
Question 1:
Manufacturing, women's rights, workforce unions, safe working condition labor laws. Manufacturing of garments. Million dollar clothing business lead to the increase of factories. The inhuman working conditions. The historical fire that killed over 140 trapped workers.
Question 2:
How much were these poor overworked people paid?
How were these working conditions different from what the enslaved endured in the south?
How did the owners of the Triangle clothing company not charged with the responsibility of the deaths of all those people?
Did they pay any compensation for the deaths of these people?
Redirect: /content/shirtwaist-connections-essay
Module Id: 950
User Id: 1442
Question 1:
Explosion of immigration to the US. European immigrants and their children began to assimilate. Immigrants of Italian, Greek, Hungarian, Polish and Jewish backgrounds primarily were accepted as “white,”. They took advantage of opportunities provided to whites in a segregated U.S. This song demonstrates how the popular culture of music and movies of this era also played a role in allowing ethnic whites to perform as white Americans.
Question 2:
One I can think of would be a hand sewn handkerchief. One would be the artistry found in it based on what country you are coming from. 2- I am sure each handkerchief would have many, many different stories in each one of them. I am sure they would all have many happy and sad tears as well as a lot of blood and sweat with all of the hard work after their arrival. I am sure there are many handkerchiefs-- some form of material passed down from generations of immigrants that made their way here.
Redirect: /content/record-connections-essay
Module Id: 1128
User Id: 1442
Question 1:
This connects to plans for our Us Capital city laid out by our founding fathers. It represents the early division of our capital city city about slavery-- how 1/3 the size of our capital was shrunk maily over views of slavery. It represents how our country became further divided about slavery and eventually went to war. It represents many boundaries that were placed because of slavery and eventually removed with the ending of it.
Question 2:
Students can explore how boundaries started from the very beginning of our country's history-- Jamestown and the building of the fort. The with various types of fences. Boundaries created by geographic features that helped in the out lines of our states. Boundaries the formulated Northern free and Southern slave states. Many of these have changed with the growth of our country. Many of our historical boundaries no longer exist because of the out lawing of slavery.
Redirect: /content/stone-connections-essay
Module Id: 1039
User Id: 1442
Question 1:
The mail helped spread the word of the evils of slavery. The mass mailings either angered southern slave owners or helped enlightened ones thinking about the moral of slavery. The mail service helped to connect our country in communicating. Mail delivery of abolitionist materials would divide our country about the issue of human rights.
Question 2:
I had no idea that so much abolitionist material was sent out all over the south. I can see where this would further anger and divide our country about the issues of slavery.
Redirect: /content/mail-connections-essay
Module Id: 1021
User Id: 1442
Question 1:
Instant coffee connects to the need for food companies during WW11 need to develop various food processing to feed our large army in areas all over the world. It connects to US soldiers drinking daily in their rations. It connects to how food companies study their consumers in order to advertise and market their products so consumers will by - their premade not so superior products.
Question 2:
I would think the limitations would be the lack of focus on women's needs during a time when most focus was on a world war. Seems like they would be extremely had to find -- Many during the war was towards women helping with the war effort by growing and canning your own foods. It would be hard trying to find how large of a group of women
they analyzed. Were the groups of women they studied in one area of our country or all over. Rural or urban-- after the war many women decided to stay in the workforce. These women would be more inclined to shop premade foods. Women that continued to stay home would have the time to cook totally from scratch. It seems like it would be really difficult to analyze how advertising changes women. I believe World War 2 had a bigger impact on changes women's roles -- so it would be hard to seperate the two.
Redirect: /content/coffee-connections-essay
Module Id: 1147
User Id: 1442
Question 1:
The dishwasher connects to social class-- wealthier people could afford one. It represents Americas obsession with gadgets during the cold war. It represents post world war 2 and american factories focus on retooling and kicking our economy in gear. It represents-- women's work. It represents easing the workload of women.
Question 2:
The resources in this module greatly enhanced my understanding of the cold war. This was a time we really never discussed in school. The speak, the videos and the advertisements made the cold war much easier for me to understand the how and whys.
Redirect: /content/dishwasher-connections-essay
Module Id: 1093
User Id: 1442
Title: Analyzing Objects
Grade Level: Elementary
Short Answer:
I really like the historical object -- mystery object activity. This is something that I will plan to do each week. I really like how students have to share their observations and then share what they think it was used for. I have seen over the past several years of teaching how many things we grew up using -- my students have no idea what it is or what it was used for. Especially when I say something about feeling like I am speaking like a broken record-- they do not know what a record is:)
Redirect: /content/analyzing-objects-wrap
Module Id: 689
User Id: 1442
Title: Nail
Grade Level: Elementary
Short Answer:
I would like to use this activity with the nail -- and use a physical example of one of these nails to show to students. I would ask them to share their observations. What is it made of...etc
I would like to see if they think this nail is important--have them share how and why??
We would use this activity for a deeper understanding of our westward movement unit.
Redirect: /content/nail-wrap
Module Id: 953
User Id: 1442
Title: Stereoscope
Grade Level: Elementary
Short Answer:
I would love to bring in my antique Stereoscope and play the mystery object. I would have the students compare it to other objects past and present. List and talk about many different technologies that have been used in schools. I would have them compare this first virtual reality device to the current day vr devices we use to take virtual field trips.
I would also have some kind of research project for them to do on the Stereoscope.
Redirect: /content/stereoscope-wrap
Module Id: 1047
User Id: 1442
Title: Shirtwaist
Grade Level: Elementary
Short Answer:
I would share the picture of this shirtwaist. I would ask them to share their observations. I would also want them to try to think of what the story is behind this shirt. I would share a lot of the examples in this module about this shirt-- manufacturing, working conditions, the terrible fire... I would use this as a very powerful example how this is article(shirt) holds so many different stories. This module-- the examples would be a very powerful lesson in cause and effect.
Redirect: /content/shirtwaist-wrap
Module Id: 950
User Id: 1442
Title: Record
Grade Level: Elementary
Short Answer:
Now that I understand by using immigration as a platform so that my students may be able to better understand and help foster meaningful learning of the past I am sure that they will be able to ask questions such as what is means to be an American and the extent to which there exists an enduring American culture. I would try to share pictures of items from immigrants. I think it would be really cool to invite parents/grandparents to share pictures, stories, items that tell a story about how their family immigrated here. I would try to have stories about immigration and how their story continued as they tried to assimilate into american life here. I guess I will start a picture book-- video hunt for powerful immigration stories soon. :)
Redirect: /content/record-wrap
Module Id: 1128
User Id: 1442
Title: Boundary Stones
Grade Level: Elementary
Short Answer:
I would love to create a research project for students to explore and read more about the design process and building of Washington D.C. I would also like to share and have students explore many different boundaries in the history of our country. How and why they were created, changed and or disappeared. I would had students explore more about how our nation's capital was divided --- how this division eventually leads to a country that is divided and leads to a war.
Redirect: /content/stone-wrap
Module Id: 1039
User Id: 1442
Title: Mail Pre civil war
Grade Level: Elementary
Short Answer:
I would share pictures of mail - pre civil and create some kind of research project for my students that would help deepen their interest and understanding of how important our us mail is and has been for communication in our country. We would have a discussion about communication before the telephone and internet. How did early America get information keep in contact with each other? In our pre civil war unit I would share how abolitionist propaganda was delivered all over the South. Find some samples to share...Talk about how this would have further divide our country.
Redirect: /content/mail-wrap
Module Id: 1021
User Id: 1442
Title: Food Processing
Grade Level: Elementary
Short Answer:
It would be really cool to find old advertisements to share with my class and ask their thoughts and views of what the main message is. Take about the history of food processing-- how and why it was needed. Share how women were not very warm to the idea of eating processed foods. How is this different from today's === compare and contrast pre-world war 2- post world war 2 and today. Discuss how food companies advertise their premade foods-- compare how they still do this today.
Redirect: /content/coffee-wrap
Module Id: 1147
User Id: 1442
Title: Dishwasher
Grade Level: Elementary
Short Answer:
I would show students pictures or old video clips of inventions like the mechanical dishwasher. I would share how these were a symbol of a higher standard of living. By the 1960s, these labor-saving devices were common in middle-class kitchens throughout America. These mechanical inventions become important symbols in the Cold War ideological struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union. Where western capitalism appeared as if they were more able to provide its citizens with a higher standard of living than citizens living in communist states. I would most likely create a research project-- were students =view, read and explore these mechanical inventions and have students reflect on how they have influenced and changed the world we live today.
Redirect: /content/dishwasher-wrap
Module Id: 1093
User Id: 1442