Analyzing Objects


Musket Ball















Question 1: Historical thinking is analyzing primary sources like an historian.
Question 2:
Objects can be used to practice using evaluation skills, such as questions of origin, purpose, and value.
Redirect: /content/what-historical-thinking
Module Id: 689
User Id: 1430
Question 1: Historical thinking is analyzing primary sources like an historian.
Question 2:
Objects can be used to practice using evaluation skills, such as questions of origin, purpose, and value.
Redirect: /content/what-historical-thinking
Module Id: 689
User Id: 1430
Question 1: Historical thinking is analyzing primary sources like an historian.
Question 2:
Objects can be used to practice using evaluation skills, such as questions of origin, purpose, and value.
Redirect: /content/what-historical-thinking
Module Id: 689
User Id: 1430
Question 1: This object is very old.
Question 2:
This object might connect to the broader theme of early 19th century beverage preferences.
Redirect: /content/coffee-resources
Module Id: 1147
User Id: 1430
Question 1: This object looks like an early built in electric diswasher.
Question 2:
This object could connect to an age of consumerism. Following WWII, the age of "Conspicuous consumption", probably the 1950s.
Redirect: /content/dishwasher-resources
Module Id: 1093
User Id: 1430
Question 1: This is a very old gravestone.
Question 2:
This object could connect to broader themes in US History such as Historical site preservations.
Redirect: /content/stone-resources
Module Id: 1039
User Id: 1430
Question 1: This appears to be a women’s shirt from the early 20th century.
Question 2:
This shirt might connect to the theme of mass production, possibly factory made garments in textile mills.
Redirect: /content/shirtwaist-resources
Module Id: 950
User Id: 1430
Question 1: This appears to be a women’s shirt from the early 20th century.
Question 2:
This shirt might connect to the theme of mass production, possibly factory made garments in textile mills.
Redirect: /content/shirtwaist-resources
Module Id: 950
User Id: 1430
Question 1: This appears to be a women’s shirt from the early 20th century.
Question 2:
This shirt might connect to the theme of mass production, possibly factory made garments in textile mills.
Redirect: /content/shirtwaist-resources
Module Id: 950
User Id: 1430
Question 1: This appears to be a women’s shirt from the early 20th century.
Question 2:
This shirt might connect to the theme of mass production, possibly factory made garments in textile mills.
Redirect: /content/shirtwaist-resources
Module Id: 950
User Id: 1430
Question 1: This is an expensive tea cup.
Question 2:
This object might connect to the theme of tea being the beverage of choice during Americas early years.
Redirect: /content/porcelain-resources
Module Id: 951
User Id: 1430
Question 1: This looks like a rubber collection for WWII
Question 2: This could connect to the theme of WWII.
Redirect: /content/tire-resources
Module Id: 1108
User Id: 1430
Question 1: This looks like a rubber collection for WWII
Question 2: This could connect to the theme of WWII.
Redirect: /content/tire-resources
Module Id: 1108
User Id: 1430
Question 1:
This object might be a piece of farm equipment, possibly to turn over the soil for planting.
Question 2: This might connect to broader themes of innovations in farming.
Redirect: /content/reaper-resources
Module Id: 952
User Id: 1430
Question 1: Reading and contextualizing multiple accounts of history.
Question 2:
Objects can be utilized to ask the questions of who,when, where. Objects must be contextualized in history, viewed in their time and place.
Redirect: /content/connections-essay-historical-thinking
Module Id: 689
User Id: 1430
Question 1: This instant coffee connects to the industrialization of food products.
Question 2:
A limitation of analyzing advertising might be the fact that this doesn’t enlighten the viewer as to all the changes to the factory workforce, the increasing important role of women, as men went off to fight in World War I.
Redirect: /content/coffee-connections-essay
Module Id: 1147
User Id: 1430
Question 1:
The dishwasher connects to the consumer culture of the mid 20th century. Mass consumerism encouraged middle class households to enjoy items once considered luxury items.
Question 2:
The race to get ahead of the Russians in all things technological led to innovations in industrial production, making mass production cheaper.
Redirect: /content/dishwasher-connections-essay
Module Id: 1093
User Id: 1430
Question 1:
The dishwasher connects to the consumer culture of the mid 20th century. Mass consumerism encouraged middle class households to enjoy items once considered luxury items.
Question 2:
The race to get ahead of the Russians in all things technological led to innovations in industrial production, making mass production cheaper.
Redirect: /content/dishwasher-connections-essay
Module Id: 1093
User Id: 1430
Question 1:
The boundary stone pictured relates to the issue of slavery, specifically the slave trade in the District of Columbia. With Washington’s strategic location between the slave states of Virginia and Maryland, the US capital relied on slaves to build the capital, without consenting to slavery as an institution.
Question 2:
Students of US History might compare Alexandria ceding from the District of Columbia to West Virginia breaking away from Virginia. They might also consider “boundaries” as a theme, in and of itself. Issues including the Missouri Compromise, the Mexican Cession, or even Manifest Destiny in general could be covered.
Redirect: /content/stone-connections-essay
Module Id: 1039
User Id: 1430
Question 1:
The shirtwaist connects to the theme of industrialization, women’s rights, labor unions, and urbanization.
Question 2:
One could ask, what did these young women risk by demanding better pay or working conditions? Or how do individuals rise to leadership positions in labor unions? What traits does it take to risk everything for the common good?
Redirect: /content/shirtwaist-connections-essay
Module Id: 950
User Id: 1430
Question 1:
The shirtwaist connects to the theme of industrialization, women’s rights, labor unions, and urbanization.
Question 2:
One could ask, what did these young women risk by demanding better pay or working conditions? Or how do individuals rise to leadership positions in labor unions? What traits does it take to risk everything for the common good?
Redirect: /content/shirtwaist-connections-essay
Module Id: 950
User Id: 1430
Question 1:
Porcelain connects to broader themes in 18th century history because it represents the status of wealthy colonists.
Question 2:
Before making arguments regarding the causes of the Revolution I would need to know what’s steps the colonists took to negotiate and compromise with the King. I would also want to know what the value of the taxes would be in today’s dollars.
Redirect: /content/porcelain-connections-essay
Module Id: 951
User Id: 1430
Question 1:
Porcelain connects to broader themes in 18th century history because it represents the status of wealthy colonists.
Question 2:
Before making arguments regarding the causes of the Revolution I would need to know what’s steps the colonists took to negotiate and compromise with the King. I would also want to know what the value of the taxes would be in today’s dollars.
Redirect: /content/porcelain-connections-essay
Module Id: 951
User Id: 1430
Question 1: The tires relate directly to the sacrifices Americans made during WWII.
Question 2:
Important questions to ask when analyzing the posters would be: Who is the intended audience, how is America portrayed, how are the Axis powers portrayed?
Redirect: /content/tire-connections-essay
Module Id: 1108
User Id: 1430
Question 1:
The reaper was transformative by the fact that it sped up one facet of agricultural production, creating a backlog at other points.
Question 2:
The steam engine also changed Americans lives during this time. Once the steam engine could power factories they no longer needed to be located near water. The steam engine also transformed the locomotive, auto, and steamboat industries.
Redirect: /content/reaper-connections-essay
Module Id: 952
User Id: 1430
Title: Photographs of African Americans During Reconstructionon.
Grade Level: High
Short Answer:
I would create a gallery walk of photographs for students. Students would walk around the room with completing questions encouraging them to think like an historian. For example:When was this phot taken? Where was it taken? Why was it taken? What is the context of this photo?
Redirect: /content/analyzing-objects-wrap
Module Id: 689
User Id: 1430
Title: Photographs of African Americans During Reconstructionon.
Grade Level: High
Short Answer:
I would create a gallery walk of photographs for students. Students would walk around the room with completing questions encouraging them to think like an historian. For example:When was this phot taken? Where was it taken? Why was it taken? What is the context of this photo?
Redirect: /content/analyzing-objects-wrap
Module Id: 689
User Id: 1430
Title: Photographs of African Americans During Reconstructionon.
Grade Level: High
Short Answer:
I would create a gallery walk of photographs for students. Students would walk around the room with completing questions encouraging them to think like an historian. For example:When was this phot taken? Where was it taken? Why was it taken? What is the context of this photo?
Redirect: /content/analyzing-objects-wrap
Module Id: 689
User Id: 1430
Title: Photographs of African Americans During Reconstructionon.
Grade Level: High
Short Answer:
I would create a gallery walk of photographs for students. Students would walk around the room with completing questions encouraging them to think like an historian. For example:When was this phot taken? Where was it taken? Why was it taken? What is the context of this photo?
Redirect: /content/analyzing-objects-wrap
Module Id: 689
User Id: 1430
Title: Coffee-Why wait?
Grade Level: High
Short Answer:
I would give students this photo of powdered coffee. I would ask them questions such as:
Why would Americans be looking for a quicker cup of coffee?
When did advertisers convince consumers that factory made conveniences were just as good as homemade?
Can you think of other “convenience” foods advertisers have made mainstream?
Redirect: /content/coffee-wrap
Module Id: 1147
User Id: 1430
Title: Technological innovations during the Col War
Grade Level: High
Short Answer:
Students can create ideological flow charts of Cold War countries, superimposed on a timeline of mid century household innovations for a compare and contrast of capitalism vs. communism economic success.
Redirect: /content/dishwasher-wrap
Module Id: 1093
User Id: 1430
Title: Shifting physical boundaries for political and economic reasons
Grade Level: High
Short Answer:
Students could break into two groups with one group researching the slave trade of Alexandria, and its economic importance to the region. The other students could research the political pressure put on the District by the abolitionists.
Then working together, come to a reasonable conclusion of the power interest groups had on government in the 1840s compared to today.
Redirect: /content/stone-wrap
Module Id: 1039
User Id: 1430
Title: Growth From the Ashes
Grade Level: High
Short Answer:
After researching the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire students could create a simple T chart. On one side brainstorm all the problems, safety and otherwise of the Shirtwaist Factory.
On the other side list all the benefits which came later, due to the tragedy, such as union power, OSHA, minimum wage and others.
Students can then create timelines of advances in innovations with advances in safety regulations, working conditions and pay.
Redirect: /content/shirtwaist-wrap
Module Id: 950
User Id: 1430
Title: Growth From the Ashes
Grade Level: High
Short Answer:
After researching the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire students could create a simple T chart. On one side brainstorm all the problems, safety and otherwise of the Shirtwaist Factory.
On the other side list all the benefits which came later, due to the tragedy, such as union power, OSHA, minimum wage and others.
Students can then create timelines of advances in innovations with advances in safety regulations, working conditions and pay.
Redirect: /content/shirtwaist-wrap
Module Id: 950
User Id: 1430
Title: Porcelain: Symbolic of luxury and struggle
Grade Level: High
Short Answer:
Beginning with a discussion of conspicuous consumption of the wealthy, students can start to see how the very symbols of the success and wealth in the new world were used to oppress the growth of the colonists. The more successful and independent the colonies became, the more the British Crown would demand in taxes.
In comparing the basics of mercantilism, students can brainstorm, create, and discuss scenarios where colonies might benefit from financial oversight of a mother country.
Redirect: /content/porcelain-wrap
Module Id: 951
User Id: 1430
Title: American Mobilization
Grade Level: High
Short Answer:
I would have students brainstorm with each other to come up with ways they’ve seen America mobilize in times of great need. (9/11), Hurricane Katrina) I could then lead them into a discussion of how Americans can support each other during this time of need with Corona Virus. We could compare how people are hoarding goods to people misusing ration coupons or charging above legal prices. Students could create propaganda to support “ social isolation” and safe practices to help the common good.
Redirect: /content/tire-wrap
Module Id: 1108
User Id: 1430
Title: How inventors have shaped our world.
Grade Level: High
Short Answer:
I would have students first make a list of all the inventions they can recall in their lifetimes. Then I would have them pair/share with another student to expand their lists. Next I would ask them to choose several inventions which begat other inventions. List these in order of their importance to today’s teenager. How has their life been made easier by these inventions. Do these inventions give them more free time, or make life more stressful?
Redirect: /content/reaper-wrap
Module Id: 952
User Id: 1430