Submitted work by Jennifer Onore

Analyzing Objects


Musket Ball















Question 1:
Historical thinking is using our reasoning and critical thinking skills to learn how what, and why something happened in the past.
Question 2:
Objects can be used to bring history to life for students. When students have historical objects in front of them, they are able to step into the lives of those who owned the objects and are able to better understand what was happening.
Redirect: /content/what-historical-thinking
Module Id: 689
User Id: 1408
Question 1:
This is a stone that is either a grave marker or a marker for some property, or something like a marker for the Mason Dixon Line.
Question 2:
If it is a gravestone that it could be from an important historical figure or again a marker for some landmark.
Redirect: /content/stone-resources
Module Id: 1039
User Id: 1408
Question 1:
Historical thinking is using our reasoning and critical thinking skills to learn how, what, and why something happened in the past. By looking at historical objects we can discover more about the person or time period.
Question 2:
Objects can be used to bring history to life for students. When students have historical objects in front of them, they are able to step into the lives of those who owned the objects and are able to better understand what was happening. We are able to show students how to analyze objects to get a better understanding of history and what was going on.
Redirect: /content/connections-essay-historical-thinking
Module Id: 689
User Id: 1408
Question 1:
This is a border stone for the original boundary of DC. There are other borderstones such as the one for the Mason Dixon line, as well as the different city borders, plantation borders. These would tie into themes on the slave trade, as well as disputes with the cities and states.
Question 2:
We could look at the Native Americans and their tribes and the borders. Students can also look at how the borders of the states were created.
Redirect: /content/stone-connections-essay
Module Id: 1039
User Id: 1408
Title: 7th Grade US History
Grade Level: Middle
Short Answer:
I will be bringing in different historical objects throughout the school year and I will be using the Historical Inquiry: See, Think, Wonder with them when looking at these objects. I will be asking students to look at the objects and asking them to think about what they are, what they would have been used for, or what they think is going on in a picture. I will ask the students to think of what could have been different or what would have changed if events had not happened.
Redirect: /content/analyzing-objects-wrap
Module Id: 689
User Id: 1408
Title: 7th Grade US History
Grade Level: Middle
Short Answer:
I would use the content to show the students both points of view. I would have them investigate both sides and debate how the borders should be drawn up. I would have them look at artifacts, pictures and read articles to understand how and why our Founding Fathers came up with the borders and agreements that they did.
Redirect: /content/stone-wrap
Module Id: 1039
User Id: 1408